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Importance of community involvement at school
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Recommended: Importance of community involvement at school
Rafe approaches teaching music differently than a typical music class. He allows kids to practice during recess so that it is open to kids who actually want to participate and will not be a disruption. He gives guitar lessons as well as singing lessons, which is done with burnt CDs which the kids listen to them until they get better at hearing the notes. Rafe even learns with the kids because he knows that he has to be a role model. He also knows that students who take the initiative to learn how to play an instrument are also learning about “...discipline, responsibility, teamwork, sacrifice, practice, correcting mistakes, listening, and time management” (Esquith, 2007, p. 107).
Once Christmas arrives, Rafe’s students learn about the importance of helping others because it is the right thing to do, not because you feel you have to. Quiet humility is proven to be rewarding through the students hard efforts. It learned in the countless hours of rehearsing Christmas carols, collecting clothing for the homeless, and setting up for the evening. Community service makes a kind person, and being involved encourages them to give back to their communities. Which
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is proven by all the previous graduated students who keep coming back every year. Of course, one of the most important parts of Room 56 is the Shakespeare class.
There are countless lessons to be learn - how to overcome challenges, development of hard-work ethic, responsibility and communication. First, to overcome any major challenges, Rafe makes it a volunteer project so kids who are not interested do not feel forced to participate. The students who are involved then meet four times a week for an hour. He purchases the plays on CDs and pauses at certain parts to help the students understand what they just listened to. Rafe believes understanding what is being said will allow the students to memorize the words easier. Once parts have been assigned in the play, each student gets a burnt CD to take home and study their parts by listening to it as if they were listening to their favorite pop
song. The important thing to learn from Rafe is that there will be times when those who want to be teachers will doubt themselves and that is okay. Also that there is always room for improvement. Within a classroom, no two kids learn the same, so it is crucial to have that one-on-one time individually and help their personal growth. And with this, children depend on us as educators and friends so those pursuing a teaching career have to make sure they are a dependable person because they will also be a role model. Teachers have to go that extra mile to make sure students are getting the best they deserve. This could mean sacrificing their free time to revise lesson plans, create study session or create after school programs that benefit their development as a child. In the film viewed during class Rafe makes a statement that there are “three groups” in the classroom: those who get it and love it, those who do not get it and hate it and then the students who are in-between who need to be swayed to love it. Within this, Rafe uses his methods to account for individual learning. This can be noted the way he is devoted to his students. Through his after school programs, one-on-one conferencing over essays, practicing of developing good character and more. Rafe takes the time to ensure each student feels special and know that they are more than the bad environment they grow up in as well as worthy of a good education.
The play consisted of five characters: Marty, James, Schultz, Theresa, and Lauren. Marty and James are a couple; they knew each other through a wedding, Theresa is a former actress who ran away from the competitive New York, Schultz is an awkward carpenter who just got divorced, and Lauren is a sixteen year old girl who dreamed of becoming an actress. Marty who is the teacher started the class, but the students participated in the class’s activities
reach into the ideas and themes of the play so we will have a good
Growing up, my parents and other influential figures around me modelled the importance of community service through their continual volunteer work and dedication to improving the world around them. Whether it be participation in a well-attended project or persistent contribution to a helpful organization, those aforementioned individuals were formative in guiding me towards a path filled with opportunities for having an impact on my community.
Hundreds of children have learned to love playing music on their instruments in a safe and fun environment. Did you know the music programs are being cut out of schools due to budget issues? According to Do.Something.org these programs are proven to improve academic skills, advanced reading skills, and kids are more likely to stay in school. Music teachers go beyond and above to be the best teachers they possibly can be. Mark does this daily while getting up early for lessons and staying late for extra activities.
“If you would just get up and teach them instead of handing them a packet. There’s kids in here that don’t learn like that. They need to learn face to face. I’m telling you what you need to do. You can’t expect a kid to change if all you do is just tell ‘em.” Texas student, Jeff Bliss, decided to take a stand against the lack of teaching going on in his class (Broderick).
Kim, in the United States, grades are not the only factor in evaluating school applicants and job candidates. From Rhodes Scholar selections to college applications, excellence in other areas such as leadership, volunteer activities, sports and arts is equally important (p82-90). In American schools, students are encouraged to do volunteer work. So much so that many schools have guidelines for how much time students are expected to spend serving in the community. Children learn the value of giving from an early age. Volunteer activities is one way Americans feel a part of things and share the goal of serving and contributing to build their communities. From neighborhood watch programs to environmental issues, Americans do not wait for the government to initiate action: they take action to bring about the changes they desire. Therefore, Americans view volunteer work as a way to teach children and young adults values such as cooperation and teamwork, dedication and work ethics, equality and social justice, leadership, generosity and compassion for
Community service hours are a significant issue to all students around the globe, as they are taking a substantial amount of time away from their lives scouring for some kind of work to do. This is especially a problem for those who do not live near any public organizations, and do not have the schedule to do any work for them. Most students go searching around their neighborhood asking if their neighbors have any work for them, which does not help anyone academically. Thus, most community service hours that are done don’t relate to their academic classes or technical area.
I have always considered myself a very promising student. I have worked extremely hard and received high grades. I have a close knit group of friends and my teachers and I have mutual respect for each other .Although I would consider myself at this present stage ‘fulfilled’ something was missing. I realized it wasn’t a materialistic aspect of my life. Through a tragic incident I finally discovered what fit perfectly in that vacancy. The consecutive hospitalizations of my grandparents evoked great pain and sorrow. However, out of the scorching intensity of this tragedy I was warmed and comforted by realizing what I was devoid of: community service.
Community service has been around since the existence of communities because communities often cannot exist with out the participation of their members. As stated before, community service began to be required in school systems in 1997 in Maryland. According to Kate McPpherson, director of Project Service Leadership in Vancover, WA, community service “… emphasizes the habits and skills of volunteerism” (McPherson 2002). While community service sounds good and beneficial for strengthening skills and membership in the community, it was met with poor results and strong opinions against its requirements. Simply requiring students to fulfill a certain amount of community service hours wasn’t enough, many students did not cooperate. It was found that incorporating community service activities into a class room sett...
Teachers observe how the peer leaders grab the attention of the students and how they connect, so they can do a better job on enhancing the learning of the students. As the author, Fiske, says,“‘First, teachers should be encouraged to move beyond describing what they see and experience and to analyzing what is happening in their classrooms. Second, teachers should be encouraged to think about problems from an alternative perspective, particularly their student’.” For example, Mrs. James has students in her classroom that struggle with her Grammar assignments. Mrs. James continues to try and find different and unique ways for her students to actually get her lessons. She encourages her highest grade student to re-teach her lesson on Grammar. As the student, Marissa is re teaching the class this information, Mrs. James goes around the class with the role and her notebook. She’s taking notes of how each student is taking their own notes over the lesson, and she puts them all into categories. The categories are based on what kind of learner the students are: Auditory, Kinesthetic, or Visual learners. Mrs. James creates a whole new plan on how she can get reach her students on a different level for their understanding. Teachers have to learn how to deal with specific students in their classroom. Reading a curriculum and instructions aren’t going to
Volunteering enables an individual to make a positive impact on his or her community, while empowering the individual to better his or her life. This summer, I had the opportunity to volunteer at many diverse locations. From the hospital to the local library, I truly value my experience and treasure everything it has thought me. Volunteering lets us experience and learn things that we otherwise would not have learned; volunteering opens doors for us that we may not have been able to open before. Volunteering provides us with guidance and tolerance which we may use in the future to aid us in our decisions. At first glance, volunteering may seem to only benefit those who are helped, but on a deeper level, one can realize that volunteering benefits the volunteer as much as, if not more than, those who are helped. Not only does volunteering make a difference in one’s community, but it also helps the volunteer become a smarter, happier, friendlier and more caring individual.
“To whom much is given, much is expected.” This quote exemplifies my own personal philosophy on community service. Service is the greatest gift one can return to their community. When an individual takes their personal time and effort to help others in need, it helps progress not only the community they live in, but multiple communities ; ultimately promoting unity and teamwork. People gather together to work towards a common goal: building the people and organizations they are directly and indirectly affected by so that the next generation will be stronger than the previous one. Community service is but is not limited to monetary and material donations, housing reinforcement, neighborhood clean ups. It is as simple as holding a toy drive for
In 1998, a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute and the University of California, Los Angeles reported that “30 percent of college undergraduates reported taking a ‘service-learning’ course.” The next year, the percentage of college freshmen who had experience as volunteers jumped all the way up to 75 (Perry 96). Writer Joellen Perry states that between the years of 1984 and 1997, “the number of high schoolers involved in service-learning leapt an astonishing 3,663 percent” (96). This proves that high schools must already know that colleges look at how involved students are in their communities. Therefore, it should not be seen as a necessity to require public service from students before they are allowed to enroll in
The very first time I read the topic of the essay, it reminded me of a movie I watched when I was around 13. “When someone does you a big favour don’t pay it back, pay it forward” is what little Trevor says in the movie “Pay it forward”. Being at the age of 13 I took it as a lesson of life and it gave me additional incentives to help who the most needed me. Most of the times I received the satisfaction of seeing a smile in the face of someone else, and half of the times I was let down realizing that I was just used by someone else. But I decided not to care; I wanted to do something that would have changed that conservative community I lived in.
Community service has now grown to be a way of bringing a community together. There is something important about doing good for others. Every community wants the people within it to be disciplined and work for change. Community service becomes easily assessable for it is the one of the best ways to teach a sense concern and sympathy to other individuals. Participating in community service, allows children and adolescents to become aware of good values and morals. Implemented values such as humility, gratitude, trustworthiness, genuineness and respect are some of the most vital virtues that one can obtain from helping the community. The importance of community service ultimately relies on how the provider distinguishes it. The more time individuals give doing community labor, the more