Room 222 Week 3 Analysis

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Rafe approaches teaching music differently than a typical music class. He allows kids to practice during recess so that it is open to kids who actually want to participate and will not be a disruption. He gives guitar lessons as well as singing lessons, which is done with burnt CDs which the kids listen to them until they get better at hearing the notes. Rafe even learns with the kids because he knows that he has to be a role model. He also knows that students who take the initiative to learn how to play an instrument are also learning about “...discipline, responsibility, teamwork, sacrifice, practice, correcting mistakes, listening, and time management” (Esquith, 2007, p. 107).
Once Christmas arrives, Rafe’s students learn about the importance of helping others because it is the right thing to do, not because you feel you have to. Quiet humility is proven to be rewarding through the students hard efforts. It learned in the countless hours of rehearsing Christmas carols, collecting clothing for the homeless, and setting up for the evening. Community service makes a kind person, and being involved encourages them to give back to their communities. Which …show more content…

There are countless lessons to be learn - how to overcome challenges, development of hard-work ethic, responsibility and communication. First, to overcome any major challenges, Rafe makes it a volunteer project so kids who are not interested do not feel forced to participate. The students who are involved then meet four times a week for an hour. He purchases the plays on CDs and pauses at certain parts to help the students understand what they just listened to. Rafe believes understanding what is being said will allow the students to memorize the words easier. Once parts have been assigned in the play, each student gets a burnt CD to take home and study their parts by listening to it as if they were listening to their favorite pop

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