Romeo And Juliet Reckless Quotes

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In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare writes of many lessons for the audience and reader. In Romeo and Juliet we see a variety of different scenarios that the young teens go through. Shakespeare shows that through life one goes through different periods such as, a naive period, a time of recklessness, and a times of love. He conveys this in several different ways in the play.
Shakespeare uses the character Juliet to show how reckless young people can be. He shows this by using Phoebus from Roman and Greek mythology. “Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, Toward Phoebus' lodging” (Shakespeare,William, Act III, Scene II, 1). Phoebus is reckless and rushes into things just like Romeo and Juliet did. Romeo and Juliet met one …show more content…

Juliet makes many references thinking that she can manipulate the time to come faster. This is shown when Juliet talks about Phaethon, “As Phaethon would whip you to the west / And bring in cloudy night immediately”(Act III, Scene II, 3 ). Here Juliet makes reference to Phaethon riding to the west, so he will bring her the night quicker. Juliet believes she can manipulate night to come sooner showing how naive and childish she can be. One may manipulate objects and things to do what one would want it to do, just as Juliet thinks she can manipulate the night to come sooner. This is particularly shown here, “Spread thy close curtain…” (Act III,Scene II, 5). Juliet refers to night like closing a curtain. Juliet wants to manipulate night to come just like she can close a curtain. Juliet acts as if time can be manipulated just like objects. Like time she shows how one can be naive with love, “Whither than new snow upon a raven’s back” (Act III, Scene II, 20). Juliet is saying that Romeo is her only light or hope in her life. Instead of making her own hope in her life. Juliet relies on someone to bring happiness and hope back to her life showing her lack of experience in life. Shakespeare teaches us that as a child one can be naive in life and with love. Though one may be naive it is up to them to learn as one progress in

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