Romeo And Juliet Comparison Essay

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Romeo and Juliet was a great play wrote my William Shakespeare. This play was very famous and very popular and some people say that this is the best play made by William Shakespeare. The three versions of Romeo and Juliet show different comparisons.

(Orlando Bloom version) 2014 This version is very unique it takes place on a stage. The original Romeo and Juliet took place in Verona Italy. In this play The Montague's were white and Capulet's are African American. In this play there weapons are swords, knives. Romeo rode up on a motorcycle that’s how you know that this play took place in modern day. Romeo and Juliet meet and Juliet was not twelve in this play she was 17. Romeo was a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. Since Romeo was a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet Juliet’s parents didn’t want her to talk to Romeo because they thought it was wrong to …show more content…

All three of these movies/ plays took place in Verona Italy. All of these different versions caught my interest for Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has a really big part in these movies because the movie is called Romeo and Juliet. Overall Romeo is a main character and acts AL most the same in every movie/play. Juliet is another main character in Romeo and Juliet she acts the same also but in the second movie she don't act like the first or the three movie/play because in the second movie her dad pushes her down and that leads to emotional scenes and that does not happen in the first or the third movie/ play. The nurse is one of my favorite characters in Romeo and Juliet. The nurse looks different in every play/ movie but so does Romeo and Juliet. Nurse is one of my favorite because she tries to help Juliet most of the time and tries to help her with her problems with Romeo and her mom. Lady Capulet is Juliet’s mom and she acts the same in all three of the versions because she is always on Juliet's tail and won’t let Juliet do nothing and constantly yelling at

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