Roman and Greek Architecture Comparison

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In the instance when you ever experienced a sensation of exhilaration and mystery going inside an ancient building, it is most likely because its materials as well as features resonate alongside the spirit of past dwellers and happenings. Nonetheless charm of the undiscovered is enhanced whenever a historic structure is analyzed architecturally, and its phylogeny across time surfaces with ever-increasing lucidity to unveil the lives of its residents. By means of preserving and acquiring our very own architectural heritage, we establish a invaluable connection with our history while developing newer applications for the forthcoming future. Subsequent, to the establishment of the Roman Republic in the 5th cent. B.C., Roman architects commenced to ingest and also synthesize influences coming from simultaneously both the Etruscans and the Greeks, adapting earlier building forms to their uniquely specific urban needs. A distinctive characteristic of Roman design was the blended utilization of arcuated and trabeated design featuring arches with post (Travis C. McDonald, Jr;Understanding Old Buildings). The primary characteristics of Roman Architecture are typically the Columns and the Arches. The Romans moreover initiated constructing using concrete and cement to substitute for rocks. Prior to the Romans the most widely employed construction technique was post and lintel. The Romans pilfered from the Greeks and Etruscans and in addition developed an architectural model which was exclusively their own. Indeed there is no doubting the fact that the Romans adhered to the Greeks and so their architecture indicates a pronounced Greek influence. However the foremost element of almost all Roman architecture unfolds from the type of citizenry that the Romans happened to be. Essentially a significantly more practical race they placed practically all the architectural and

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