Roman Toys Research Paper

935 Words2 Pages

Daniel Sullivan
Mrs. Hickey
Latin II
26 April 2017
Roman Games and Toys
Rome, one of the greatest empires of all time, had monumental achievements. But the toys and games played in Rome are rarely thought about, even though toys and board games are proven to shape children’s development which could be a leading reason for the excellent strategy of the Romans, in the things like empire building, discipline, and military. This paper will talk about the different toys and games in Rome, how they developed throughout Roman history, and how that has influenced toys and board games today.
There were many different board games played during Rome. Most of them were played by children or drunken men in taverns gambling. One of the board games played …show more content…

One of these influences is in abstract games. In Roman board games, there was rarely a theme, which is “ a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation”(Merriam Webster) and this is shown sometimes today, in types of games called abstract games dating back to the 6th century with chess and today with games such as Santorini and Patchwork. The influence from Roman toys to today’s toys is actually very huge. A very large amount of the toys that don't need modern technology actually come from Roman times. Many of the examples of this has already been covered, such as the pull toys, which are still used today, although there are more modern pull toys such as cars or planes. Also, the charm bracelets were used back in Rome and are still used today, although it appeals to a higher age group now than it did in Roman times. One toy that hasn't been mentioned however, is yo-yos. Romans did have yo-yos, and it work very similarly to how they work today, with a string being wrapped around two circles connected together. It is however unknown whether or not the Romans were able to do the tricks with yo-yos that are used …show more content…

The board games and toys developed heavily over the course of the Roman empire, and have had a huge influence on the toys and board games of today. And who knows, maybe the toys and board games that people in this age play will have major influences on the board games and toys of all of the many ages to come.

Works Cited
"Kids will be Kids, Even in Ancient Rome: Roman Toys & Games." Grand Voyage Italy. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.
Bauer, S. Wise. The story of the world. History of the classical child. Charles City, VA: Peace Hill Press, 2008. Print.
"BBC - Primary History - Romans - Family and children." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.
Thompson, Greg. "Ancient Roman Board Games." LoveToKnow. LoveToKnow Corp, n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.
"Toys, Games,Petsin Ancient Rome." Toys, Games, and Pets - Ancient Rome for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr.

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