Rom-Coms Of Modern Day Analysis

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My portfolio of articles will focus on relationships and Rom-Coms of modern day, how Instagram can socially and politically motivate, the overexposure and dehumanisation of celebrities and embroidery as a contemporary art form.
Is our faith in romance over? – Romantic Comedies and Lasting Relationships
My first article will explore relationships and romantic comedies. I was interested in this subject because one of my best friends is very into classic Rom-Coms and after re-watching Bridget Jones’s Diary with her, it made me think about the ideologies that these types of films present. It also got me thinking about modern Rom-Coms and how the change in style (from depicting dramatic romantic gestures and a fairytale …show more content…

We act as though they are a character that we dislike and wish for their demise. However, some celebrities are the heroic character and can do no wrong – we idolise them and they can sometimes become untouchable (like in the case of Jimmy Savile). The truth is, famous people are neither, they are just human and we should treat them as such. Like Josh White points out in the Huffington Post, we think that because they’re famous, they can take it ( Dehumanisation of celebrities, often caused by overexposure, can have a multitude of negative affects on not only them but also, as an article from Medical Daily states, on fans (
I think this issue is newsworthy because celebrities are more exposed than ever, with endless reality shows and social media being part of their job, we can access them 24/7. The Kim Kardashian robbery attack also got a lot of people thinking about this issue and Chrissy Teigen even tweeted “Fame is interesting. Celebs are suppose to love you guys [fans] while also knowing you’d make a meme of …show more content…

She uses the medium of embroidery to spread body positivity, mental health awareness and the message of equality. I think this article is newsworthy now, as @hanecdote recently embroidered the famous Arthur meme with the caption “When you remember that historically, embroidery hasn’t been taken seriously as a medium because it’s ‘women’s work’”, which went viral and proves that “despite being sidelined as ‘women’s work’ for centuries, requires a ton of skill and effort”

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