Love is many things; it has not one description that can be pin pointed. Love can be described as the openness of a relationship, the sexual attraction between partners, or can be seen as pure attraction to each other’s personalities. In Jonathon Haidt’s book, The Happiness Hypothesis, he writes about the types of love there are and which he believes is the most important. There are two main types of love, companionate and passionate love. Haidt defines true love as companionate love, having more importance in a relationship than that of passionate love. Companionate love is perceived as a stronger love than Passionate love, because of a better understanding in companionship and passionate love will not be everlasting. The idea of companionate over passionate makes sense, but media has formed a different outlook on love that has warped the genuine imagery of love.
All relationships have the stage of new love, but the companionate stage is what allows the relationship to last. The passion in a relationship starts and can affect what the relationship could turn into. Haidt quotes Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Walster, two social psychologists, as they explain passionate love as a “wildly emotional state in which tender and sexual feelings, elation and pain, anxiety and relief, altruism and jealousy coexist in a confusion of feelings” (124), while companionate love was also described by Berscheid and Walster as “affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply intertwined” (125). The main difference between the two types of love is, passionate love can, and most likely will, fade overtime; it does not evolve into companionate love. Passionate and companionate are two bases of love that develop at their own pace with no real r...
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... endless passionate love; this mistaken idea has come from the mass media in our everyday lives. Media has given us a false hope in what love is supposed to be. Companionate love is the real love that we need to have the effect of an everlasting bond with a person. Companionate love has an accepting agent in love, so once a person has accepted the love, and his partner for the person he is, it is more of a love than the affection shared in passionate love. That is all love really is; it is just an acceptance in understanding a person’s connection to another.
Works Cited
Haidt, Jonathan. The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. New York: Basic, 2006. Print.
Galician, Mary-Lou. Sex, Love & Romance in the Mass Media: Analysis & Criticism of Unrealistic Portrayals & Their Influence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. PDF.
In The New Humanities Reader edited by Richard E. Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer. We read about Barbara Fredrickson the author of the book “Love 2.0” copy right (2013). Barbara Fredrickson is a psychologist who show in her research how our supreme emotion affects everything we Feel, Think, Do and become. Barbara also uses her research from her lab to describe her ideas about love. She defines love not as a romance or stable emotion between friends, partners and families, but as a micro-moment between all people even stranger (108). She went farther in her interpretation of love and how the existence of love can improve a person’s mental and physical health (107). Through reading
Love is a very strong feeling shared between two individuals which makes them want to be and spend time with each other. The feeling of love is wh...
Robert Nozick’s Love’s Bond is a clear summary of components, goals, challenges, and limitations of romantic love. Nozick gives a description of love as having your wellbeing linked with that of someone and something you love. I agree with ideas that Nozick has explained concerning the definition of love, but individuals have their meaning of love. Every individual has a remarkable thing that will bring happiness and contentment in their lives. While sometimes it is hard to practice unconditional love, couples should love unconditionally because it is a true love that is more than infatuation and overcomes minor character flaw.
The Symposium, The Aeneid, and Confessions help demonstrate how the nature of love can be found in several places, whether it is in the mind, the body or the soul. These texts also provide with eye-opening views of love as they adjust our understanding of what love really is. By giving us reformed spectrum of love, one is able to engage in introspective thinking and determine if the things we love are truly worthy of our sentiment.
This passage marks the first of several types of love, and gives us an intuitive
... like…togetherness or something”. Their definition of love contains key intimacy characteristics with definitions like “integral part of whom you are”, “deep connection”, “happiness”, and “togetherness”. This individual touches upon love in a much more meaningful and emotional closeness compared to the previous individual who’d described it in a more physical and excitable manner. This form of love follows passion, and plays a role in the future commitment of two individuals. Like passion, this concept is also a stepping stone towards allowing young adults to complete their task of intimacy vs. isolation. Intimacy greatly influences romantic relationships, and is a concept that many young adults preoccupy themselves with during their development.
Love is a concept that has puzzled humanity for centuries. This attachment of one human being to another, not seen as intensely in other organisms, is something people just cannot wrap their heads around easily. So, in an effort to understand, people write their thoughts down. Stories of love, theories of love, memories of love; they all help us come closer to better knowing this emotional bond. One writer in particular, Sei Shōnagon, explains two types of lovers in her essay "A Lover’s Departure": the good and the bad.
A common trend in the entertainment industry today is the objectification of women in society. Sexualizing women are seen in media such as; movies, advertisement, television show and music video, where their main focus is providing the audience with an image of women as sexual objects rather than a human. This is detrimental to society since the media is producing social stereotypes for both genders, which can further result in corrupted social habits. Objectification in media are more focused on females than male, these false images of women leave individuals with the wrong idea of the opposite sex. As media continuously use sexual contents regarding women, the audience starts underestimating women. Specifically movies, it allows media to shape the culture’s idea of romance, sex and what seems
Love defines as an intense feeling of deep affection to a someone or something. It allows two people to continue growing with each experience encountered and thus shaping them into what and who they are. This connection is the escape from loneliness and boredom that burdens everyone because humans vye for attention from one another. Sustaining a relationship of love demands work, cooperation, and commitment. Romantic love is an emotionally, spiritually, and physically intimate relationship shared with a partner. This type of love provides a profound jubilation as well great pain when falling apart. It is a source of pleasure and inspiration that is worth pursuing because of its various powerful ways to express the capacity of love. Though romantic
True love or love in general is essential for human life. Since birth, babies are loved and nurtured by their mothers and fathers; completely vulnerable to the world, yet protected by the very people who created them. A parent's bond and love with their child is nothing that can be described unless you have a child of your own. I will only know the true magnitude of this kind of compassion and devotion to someone when I have a child of my own. Romance has always been apart of human culture; From Ancient Roman plays to Shakespeare to today with Nicholas Sparks’ the Notebook and other popular books he has wrote; But today with so much media with books and music and movies many people find themselves unsure of what true love actually is, and what it means to devote yourself to someone for a long term relationship instead of “dating” someone for 3 weeks and breaking up because the other person spilt chilli all over your favorite christmas sweater.
Hefner, Veronica. "From Love at First ASight to Soul Mate: Romantic Ideals in Popular Films and Their Association With Young People's Beliefs About Relationships." Dissertation (2011): 1-241. Print.
The pursuit for happiness has been a quest for man throughout the ages. In his ethics, Aristotle argues that happiness is the only thing that the rational man desires for its own sake, thus, making it good and natural. Although he lists three types of life for man, enjoyment, statesman, and contemplative, it is the philosopher whom is happiest of all due to his understanding and appreciation of reason. Aristotle’s version of happiness is not perceived to include wealth, honor, or trivial
Perhaps not. In Clare Bare’s “Raunch or Romance” Bare looks at several studies and statistics that try to prove that romance in several media outlets are harmful and comes up with some interesting, but inconclusive results. Bare admits that there is a lot of research to state that romance in the media is bad, “Yet the research to support a view that the impact of the media on sexual health is negative is inconclusive; often derived from quantitative approaches that have been argued to be inappropriate and inadequate, and that have largely been discredited within the disciplines of media and cultural studies,”