Role of Social Support in Breast Cancer

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Following skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, as approximately 12% of women will develop invasive breast cancer throughout their lifetime (Ma, Jemal 2013). After being diagnosed with breast cancer, women face major psychological and social challenges to coping with the disease. Many studies have examined the role of social support in cancer progression. It is commonly found that having a strong social support system aids individuals during the course of their illness (Dunkel-Schetter 1984). This review will specifically question if the various forms of social support are always a positive influence on an individual’s ability to cope with breast cancer. For the most part the literature indicates that a strong social support system is beneficial for the well being of the cancer patient. However, as I will explain during this review not all forms of social support are beneficial, in fact some instances of social support may be detrimental and can produce conflict among members of the support group. This finding is not common, however it is important to mention in order to understand the role of social support as a whole. Through reviewing five academic studies I will describe the various forms of social support and their subsequent effects on coping with breast cancer.
Through looking at the literature on the role of social support during the course of breast cancer, I found that most studies showed social support as having a positive effect on individuals’ health and well being. The studies showed that there are many different forms of social support, each with their own positive effects on coping with breast cancer. This is demonstrated through the academic articles: “Social Support, Accommodation to ...

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