Rogerian Argument Against Abortion

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Crisis Pregnancy or Unintended Pregnancy is a pregnancy that is unplanned or unwanted. This sometimes leads to abortion, however, there is another choice. Crisis Pregnancy Centers are a type of nonprofit organization that counsels pregnant women against having an abortion and some give non-medical services. This relates to the theme of “Be Not Afraid” because is it a group of devout Christians helping pregnant women to be not afraid of their pregnancy and make the right choice to go through with the pregnancy. This issue is very important to the Christian society because it prevents abortion. As of 2013, there were about 2,500 CPC’s in America compared to the 1,800 abortion clinics. Abortion goes against all Christian values and it is important Care Net and Heartbeat International are two of the largest companies backing crisis pregnancy centers. Care Net says that its "ultimate to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ in both word and deed" and that its "pregnancy centers are committed to sharing the love of Jesus Christ with every person who walks through their doors." Heartbeat International describes itself as a "Christian association of faith-based pregnancy resource centers" whose materials are "consistent with Biblical principles." Some CPCs are run by the Catholic Church or by other church groups. The Church supports the CPC’s and opposes abortion saying, “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to Most CPCs offer free pregnancy tests, often over-the-counter ones. There is a trend toward CPCs obtaining medical clinic status so that they may offer sonograms in an attempt to convince women to carry their pregnancies to term. They may also provide screening for STIs, adoption referrals, religious counseling, financial assistance, prenatal services, child-rearing resources and other services. Others may offer Bible study sessions and counseling for women who have recently had abortions. There are multiple ways to spread the word about Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Announcements can be made at one’s parish to help volunteer or work at a CPC. Speakers can come to schools to discuss crisis pregnancy to try and avoid it and to say that if it does happen that the Christian community is there for you. It is important for people to know that there are other people there for them. Their concern and commitment are genuine and they care about what happens to the woman and her unborn

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