Robert Mcculloch On Women's Pay

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AGREE Women's pay just doesn't make the cut anymore. This is argued by Robert Reich and Heather McCulloch in their Los Angeles Times feature, the women in this society are not only getting paid less than men, but some can't even have access to federal and state subsidies. “Women make less money than men, hurting their ability to save”, said Reich and McCulloch. Even though women make up about 80% of consumer purchases, they have limited access to the “fruits” of their labor. It is also a known fact that women make 32 cents on the dollar as opposed to men. Why is this happening in today's day and age? It's 2017 people, let's start making changes now! Reich and McCulloch say that, “ To get to women's equality, we have to tackle income and wealth inequality.” This means in order to get women and men equal, we must make women's and men's pay the same for equal …show more content…

Robert Reich and Heather McCulloch shows the Audience key points of women's inequality in there Los Angeles Times feature, “wealth, not just wages, is the way to measure women's equality”. Reich and McCulloch show key points on what is wrong and why it is wrong. But most importantly, they show ways to fix this issue. Ways like, “pushing for pay equity, affordable childcare, and paid family leave.” These are just some of the ways we all can help women's pay and benefits equal. Reich and McCulloch say to “make retirement benefits “portable”- tied to individuals, not employers.” This is so independent contractors, domestic workers and other “nontraditional” employees can build savings over a lifetime of work. Reich and McCulloch also argue that “these strategies support everyone; but they would particularly benefit low-income women and women of color, who are most affected by the women's wealth gap.” Saying that if people help to get rid of the wage gap, it won't only help women, it could possibly help everyone regardless of gender or

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