Robert Frost Design

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The poem I was assigned to analyze was a poem by Robert Frost called "Design". The poem talks about white characters such as the spider, the heal-all,and the flower. The poem "Design" opens up the mind of the reader and broaden the perspective of how everything is made and why it is made.

The poem's opening line is describing a spider. Robert Frost's first line says "I found a dimpled spider, fat and white."(Frost 1) In Deirde Tagan's overview the spider's description is similar to an infant. He states "Even the spider, which is apparently the exterminator, is described in terms usually applied to infants (“dimpled” and “fat”)." (Deirdre Fagan and Robert Seltzer's "Frost's Design.") The spider is told to be on a white heal-all. This raises some eyebrows since a …show more content…

Frost says "On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth" (Frost 2&3) It is unusual to find similarity between the piece of satin cloth and the spider. Frost describes the characters of his poem as white objects. Frost's descriptions of the characters go against what some would see if they were to see them in their natural environment.

The poem goes on to talk about death and blight. Blight is used to describe a disease in plants. This gets the reader to believe the poem has darker hidden meaning.The next line brings some suspicious into mind when Robert Frost states "Mixed ready to begin the morning right,Like the ingredients of a witches' broth."(Frost 5,6) When someone thinks of witches and their broth chances are they suspect the presents of something evil. Frost paints a picture of the spider and the heal-all as being white and pure. Frost uses

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