Robert Flake Research Paper

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A beloved member of Belleville West staff was tragically murdered this month. Sunday, October 2nd, Football Coach and Science Teacher, Robert Flake, was found in the Performing Arts Center of Belleville West High School. Police and investigators do not have any suspects, or know of a clear motive; they do believe that this was an isolated incident, but have upped security.

“He (Coach Flake) was found in a very critical state in the PAC lobby, by a janitor, the janitor wouldn’t have even been there in the first place if the Romeo and Juliet practice had not been going on,” said investigator Jack Bruening.

Ms. Burch, the spokesperson for District 201, held a press conference on Thursday, October 6th. This is the first time the press was given information on Flakes murder. Flake, a 35 year old father of two was stabbed several …show more content…

It is noted that Robert Flake has been a teacher and coach at Belleville West for over ten years, and his position has moved up. Police believe that maybe someone was jealous of Flakes status, and that prompted the killing. They are also looking into students that might have been angry at Flake for his tough grading.

At this time, police have no suspects, and Belleville West Forensics Team is on the case. The team is turning to the public for help, questioning everyone. Ms. Burch is asking everyone who was in the area of Belleville West High School on Saturday Night, or Sunday morning and might have seen something suspicious, to please call Crime Stoppers; adding that every detail will be helpful in this investigation.

“Robert Flake was a wonderful man, I had him for Biology, and to find out he was murdered was absolutely astonishing, and not for the greater good.” said Bruening.

If you think you might be able to help the law enforcement, and bring justice for Coach Flake, please email Ms. Burch at, or call

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