Risky Sexual Behavior

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The United States today has one of the highest pregnancy and birthrates among teens in comparison to other industrialized countries. Also, there are approximately nine million new sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among teens in the United States each year, all of which are the result of risky sexual behaviors. Teen pregnancies are linked to negative social and health consequences that affect the teens, the babies in addition to the immediate family members. These consequences relating to teen pregnancy has a short-term as well as the long-term effect on the livelihood of the teen. These consequences affect their education and their financial position, and they are more than likely not to graduate from high school, their babies are often born with low birth weight, and sometimes they develop developmental disorders. Due to the increase in teen’s pregnancy, STD’s and other risky sexual behaviors, it will take a collaborate effort among teens, families, churches, communities and counselors to educate teen about sex and its consequences.
Keywords: Teen pregnancy, STDs, risky sexual behavior, adolescents

Teenage Pregnancy, STDs, and Risky Sexual Behavior

Between 1980 and 1999, the teen pregnancy rate in the United States peaked at its highest rate, however, in 2005 the rate declined by 41% due to a decreased rate …show more content…

Counselors must also consider the type of relationships that the child has with his or her parents to determine whether or not information should disclose to parents, or if not disclosed, could cause harm to the child (Kitchener & Anderson, 2011). According to the American Counseling Association (ACA), Section A.4, counselors have an ethical responsibility not to cause harm to their

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