Rise Of The West Essay

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The rise of the west, probably not the west you are thinking of. Taking place in the 1500-1990 in Western Europe. The Rise of the west had a huge impact on the rest of the world not just Europe. It had affected the world that we now live in today, the millennial age. I think that the “rise of the west” is an accurate depiction of the events of the second half of the millennia.
Europe experienced a lot of growth within their culture throughout the period of 1500 and 1900. It is shown through the populations of the family and people. Families seem to be bigger than they used to. It is not that more babies are being born and younger people are increasing in the population but more so, they are surviving, which brings up the fact that more people are living longer (The Rise of Europe in the Middle Ages). There was no sign of any plague or even famine during these ages (The Rise of Europe in the Middle Ages). This had been a cool and dry climate throughout the majority of Europe, during the big discovery of new lands that had …show more content…

Europe, South Asia, and China made up 70 percent of the world’s population (Cleary, Vern). In Europe, South Asia, and China, slaves gave up their crops to landlords and their governments (Cleary, Vern). All three countries was a part of the global trade that spread millions of miles across Europe. They also had technology they used like gunpowder and cannon (Cleary, Vern). Europeans now set up the path to innovations in military and sailing technology. New military technologies eventually put europe on the spot allowing states to afford the military technology for their uses, Now in competition with the not well known countries lead europe to want to improve more so that they would have the lead in the overall county (Cleary, Vern). Europe therefore rose up in leadership by the nineteenth century because of the innovations, supplies, and skills (Why Europe ruled the

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