Rise Of The Tomb Rander Informative Speech

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Happy New Year! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and was able to spend time with those who matter to you. Queen Tinus and I had a quiet and lovely Christmas Eve - until I got terribly ill, and was plagued by a horrible stomach bug for the remainder of the holiday season. As for new game acquisitions, well, let's see what I added to the collection over the month of December.

Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3 is an open-world action game positioning itself as an expansive sandbox wherein one can indulge in chaos and mayhem. If I recall correctly, the studio head at Avalanche Studios has said that narrative aren't important--if even necessary--in video-games. While that is a sentiment I wholeheartedly oppose, I do, however, agree that …show more content…

The short and sweet of it is that Rise of the Tomb Raider would definitely have made my top-ten list of 2015 had I played it last year. With its simply gorgeous design and enjoyable action-adventure gameplay, Rise of the Tomb Raider is, in my opinion, one of the best games released in 2015. I hope Naughty Dog are paying attention because Crystal Dynamics just set the bar for what we ought to expect from Uncharted 4.

Thank you for the, as always, amazing Christmas gifts Queen …show more content…

Developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo at the tail-end of 2015--with localization provided by 8-4 Play--, Xenoblade Chronicles X is a humongous action role-playing game that strongly encourages exploration of its massive open-world. The sheer size of Xenoblade Chronicles X is, quite frankly, intimidating, but I am beginning to feel an RPG-itch I hope it will be able to scratch.


Outlaws is a Wild-West-themed first-person shooter developed--with an enhanced version of the Dark Forces engine--and published by Lucas Arts in 1997. There is a rather curious quote by Computer Gaming World on the back of the box saying, "this may be the first 3D shooter with a real plot", which I find simultaneously funny and encouraging. According to the box, Outlaws' revolutionary real plot boils down to a genre-appropriate revenge story. I am cautiously optimistic about this one.

Freedom Planet

Freedom Planet was my Indiebox for the month of December, and it is a 2D sidescrolling platformer developed and released by Stephen DiDuro's GalaxyTrail. It was originally released for the PC back in 2014--and ported to the WiiU in 2015--Freedom Planet serves as a loving homage to the 16-bit Sonic games. Curiously, Freedom Planet actually began life as a Sonic

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