Rise Of The Creative Class

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Public schools have been running the same way since 1821. Some small changes have been made over the years, but it is still expected that students become proficient in language arts, mathematics, history, and science. Recently schools have become less inclusive of creativity as students now focus all of their attention on standardized test scores. Creativity classes are a modern idea that could change the way public schools work forever even though many people will find that the old system worked just as well.
It is borderline dangerous to leave creativity classes out of the agenda. Current public school systems that do not implement creativity classes make sure that all students graduate as a well oiled machine that does exactly what society needs it to do. These students have developed black and white thinking; they lack the creativity to make their ideas unique and new. Richard Florida, the author of The Rise of the Creative Class, defines a creative class as a class that “...include[s] people in science and engineering, architecture and design, education, arts, music and entertainment whose economic function is to create new …show more content…

These people think that the system could not be that flawed if it had lasted all these years. The truth is that times are changing. The job market is much different now than it was twenty to thirty years ago. There are many jobs centered around social media that require creativity. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, YouTubers who get up to 1,500,000 views per month can make a yearly salary of $76,650 to $127,750 (Geyser). This shows that people who post videos on YouTube can make a steady living out of it if they gain enough subscribers. The people in jobs such as YouTube have to have creativity; they can not thrive in a business like that with individuality. Helping students grow in their creativity will also help them grow in their careers later on in

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