Richard Peck's Priscilla And The Wimps

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What's big, and pushes people down? The answer is bullys and we all know that bullies are the worst part of middle/high school. When we were little the only thing that use bothered us was when the girl in front of us stole the only pink scissors in class. Now that we are older we have a lot more that brothers us including grades, what we are going to wear and bullies. “Priscilla and the Wimps” written by Richard Peck is a humor take on how students try to go through a day without a gang of bullies walking up to them asking for money. It's a short story about a group of gang (bullies) going around asking people for money and beating them up. This one girl name Priscilla finds out her best friend Melvin is getting bullied and goes to help him. She ends up scaring the bullies away which, shocked everyone that had saw the incident. “Priscilla and the Wimps” is a high comedy short story that will make you chuckle, giggle and smirk. The story might be comedy but it …show more content…

For example, “I'm so hungry I could eat a horse”. “When the Kobras slithered by, with or without Monk, I would shrank.” (Peck 343) The bully did not literally slithered by, he probably just walked and the guy did not literally shrank. Richard Peck just used hyperbole to show that the kid was scared of the bullies. Mostly, there were on word play and one liners in the story. Like, “Pricilla was sort of above everything, if you’ll pardon the pun.” These was used to show how “big” Priscilla compared to the other students. Although the author uses word-puns he also used hyperbole to exaggerate the kobras and how people are scared of them. “When the Kobras slithered by, with or without Monk, I shrank.” These meant that the charter did not really shrank he was just scared of the Kobra’s when he walkes be because he might ask the character for money. When the author used word play and hyperbole, the comic effect is chuckle or

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