Peer Pressure In Queen Bee And Her Court By Rosalind Wiseman

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Peer pressure is a substantial challenge faced by teenagers in the modern world. From negative peer pressure to positive peer pressure and bullying, everyone will face these taxing obstacles at some point in their lives. The article “Queen Bee and Her Court” by Rosalind Wiseman gives us a detailed understanding of how the seven stereotypes in high school cliques fit into these pressures. In reading this article, I realized the truth behind the patterns presented by the author. Peer Pressure often revolves around one thing: power. Furthermore, everyone met in the hallways unfailingly falls into one of the seven categories as described throughout the story. As Rosalind Wiseman says, “Our best politicians and diplomats couldn't do better than …show more content…

The stereotype commonly associated with bullying is indefinitely the “Queen Bee”. In playing this role, “Queen Bees” gain a sense of power over the other girls within the clique. They enjoy the fact that the others feel as though they must pay homage to them. However, “Queen Bees” lose a real sense of self, and become cynical of their position. Often, they wonder if people only speak to them as a result of their popularity or looks. The simple fact that they feel as though they must routinely exert their power over the others, proves that their actions are spurred from a place of loneliness.When they are able to control others, it proves to them that they are still better than everyone else. This pattern repeats, as they are constantly in need of reassurance, and surround themselves with people who will do so. Often the recipient of the bullying, are the “Targets”. Commonly meek and insecure, they provide the weakness that the “Queen Bees” need to prey upon. For instance, should a “Target” come to school wearing a new pair of shoes that a “Queen Bee” envies, the “Queen Bees” will incessantly call the “Targets” names and make fun of their shoes. This will eventually cause “Targets” to leave or feel so terribly that they will take the shoes off in hopes of the nonsense coming to a stop. This causes “Targets” to feel worthless and unvalued. As one can see, bullying is a terrible form of peer pressure in which both the administrator and recipient suffer negatively

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