Rhetorical Techniques Used In The Movie Trailer For Holes

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In the movie trailer for Holes you can generally see the three rhetorical devices, which make the trailer effective. These are fairly noticeable in the movie trailer, some more so than others. While the message they are getting across is quite obvious, the speaker aspect of it is not quite as obvious. The speaker in the trailer uses an enthusiastic voice to show the audience, which is generally young kids or people who like mystery, that it is a movie with plenty of excitement. While they go through it the speaker gets more enthusiastic, and the music for the trailer also becomes more upbeat. The speaker also mentions that the movie is based off of an award-winning book, most likely because it might broaden the age group for the audience.
The trailer starts off by getting the audience interested, starting with …show more content…

Throughout the whole trailer it is in some way conveying a message to the audience. This occurs whether they are drawing them in using the tone of Madame Zeroni’s voice, or when it possibly makes the audience emotionally attached to the main characters. The speaker also plays a major part in the process of grabbing the audience’s attention. This is done through the speakers enthusiastic voice to show that the movie is thrilling, rather than dull. The style of the trailer is also important, because it puts the most important things first into the trailer. It begins by drawing the attention of the audience towards the movie, and then building on their want to see the movie. The audience, however is the single most important Rhetorical device for the trailer. The reason for this is without the proper audience watching the trailer, and being intrigued by it, then none of the other devices would have been nearly as effective as they are. The message would not have been conveyed to anyone, and the speakers enthusiastic voice would have also been very

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