Rhetorical Analysis: Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes

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“Why Lunch Ladies are Heroes” was presented by Jarrett J. Krosoczka at a Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference on July of 2014. His purpose was to teach an educated audience about the importance of being compassionate and how showing a little appreciation can change someone's life. Krosoczka’s hope was that people would not wait until a certain day to say thank you or show appreciation to others. While advertising his Lunch Lady graphic novel series and School Lunch Hero Day he still manages to center his whole presentation about how one should frequently thank others. Krosoczka shows the audience how just one thank you can make the day of the one receiving the thanks by using emotional appeal through various tones and speeds in his voice. …show more content…

Krosoczka’s use of pathos strategy towards his lunch lady makes the audience believe that what he is saying is affecting and something to consider. While Krosoczka was talking about his lunch lady he said, “I gave her a piece of artwork and some books. And two years after she passed away, and I attended her wake, and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw there, because next to her casket was this painting” (Krosoczka 1). By using his own story and the impact it had on his lunch lady it makes the listener take a step back and consider doing what is being asked for them to do. He also uses the phase, “A thank you can change a life” such a strong word choice stands out to the audience. A speech like this makes everyone feel as though they can achieve this easy

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