Rhetorical Analysis Of Victory Speech

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‘We are an America family, and we rise or fall together, as one nation, and as one people.’ Obama had America on their feet. They were joined as one to applaud this great leader who wanted to complete his job in helping America reach their destiny. This is a clear message throughout his 2012 victory speech. The nation is fired up by his personal anecdotes and inspiration knowing it will be a great four years with a great leader.

Obama commences his speech by reminding every one of 200 years ago - America became independent in how they are getting to their own destiny. Repetition of ‘spirit’ tells us how they have endured hard times like ‘war and depression’ because of America’s spirit. By using this repetition in the rule of three we know …show more content…

The strong words – ‘burdened’, ‘weakened’, and ‘threatened’, said in a strong powerful voice get America on their feet, wanting their nation to be free of debt, inequality, and ‘the destructive power of a warming planet.’

The next technique he uses is a metaphor. He is talking about America moving forward and says ‘progress will come in fits and starts. It’s not always a straight line. It’s not always a smooth path.’ He recognises that goals aren’t easy to achieve and he knows America is diverse, but they will reach their destiny one day. He wants America to move forward to ‘fight for new jobs, and new opportunity, and new security for the middle class.’ These are America’s goals.

‘A decade of war is ending.’ Here the audience cheer. They show their appreciation of how America is recovering from these hard times. Most Americans would have experienced war by having sons, daughters, neighbours or friends serve. America played a large part in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. We are given a 360 degree of understanding when Barack Obama says ‘you elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours.’ This antithesis or contrast makes sure that the American’s know that he is there to run their country, all they have to do is their job. The anaphora used in his next statement is to reinforce Obama’s message of America’s destiny of a country where freedom and independence reigns. This anaphora has …show more content…

We know Obama only wants the best for America as they continue to fight for freedom and independence to reach their destiny of becoming the ‘greatest nation on Earth’. But he says ‘more than’. This shows us Obama is proud of the whole United Sates. These metaphors, epistrophe and epiphora work together to build us up to the final climax where Obama ends his speech with a voice filled with emotion – ‘Thank you, America. God bless you. God bless the United States’. We reach a closure where Obama is drawing on the power beyond just human

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