Rhetorical Analysis Of Sarah Palin's Speech

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On January 19, 2016, during the election process for the new president, presidential candidate Donald J. Trump is endorsed by well-known Politician Sarah Palin. She conveys a convincing speech that catches the audience's attention on who they want as a leader for this country. Through the use of imagery & sarcasm and Ethos, along with enthusiastic facial expressions, direct eye contact, and confident posture, Palin stresses her beliefs and what she believes Trump will do for our country. Sarah Palin brings her opinion to the table and informs the audience on the trust she has for Donald Trump with a faithful, optimistic message about his background and reputation. Palin’s purpose of the speech is to show America that in order for our country …show more content…

Through the use of ethos, Palin informs the people on the facts about Donald Trump to allow the audience to put more trust and faith on his presidency. Palin speaks of the complaints that were brought up from the citizens on the issues Trump mentions in his debates. A majority of the public did not want to talk about the issues of our guns, or God, and the Constitution until they were brought up in the debates. Sarah Palin gives credit to Trump by saying “These issues that Donald Trump talks about had to be debated. And he brought them to the forefront” (Blaine) and to add to the effect of her argument she then mentions “And that’s why we are where we are today with good discussion” (Blaine). She states the fact the Trump will not put problems aside and avoid them just for the pleasure of the people. She puts faith in the audience that in order for America to become great again, we need someone who is willing to solve these issues. Therefore, with Palin’s confident tone of voice and expressive body language, she persuades the people to put their trust in Trump. This is still important today because either way, people have to put their trust on who is now our current day

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