Return To School To Prison Essay

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The school to prison pipeline continues to become one of the huge issues in an education system. In 1990s, the U.S. adopted zero-tolerance policies, which means “a strict enforcement of regulations and bans against undesirable behaviors or possession of items” (“zero”), in various education system. For preventing minor crimes that become serious crimes such as violation, murder, negligence, terrorism and more, they adopted the zero-tolerance policies. Thus, many students get prosecuted and sent into the juvenile justice system because of this policy. Under this circumstance, schools ought to accept exception and consider the reason why they broke the rule. Also, students ought not to receive heavy punishments like sending into the prison when they commit small crimes minor offenses, for they expect to get a chance to change themselves and to restart a new life for their future without prison. If the aim of prison considers reintegration into society, students ought to get the opportunity to return to school or …show more content…

Although the purpose of prison ought to state as reintegration into society, the fact that students sent to the prison in the past creates the limitation of opportunities and makes their life much more difficult. No one changes and deletes the fact from their status if they commit an incident once. Also, making schools safer places for students holds an importance for youth education and their future. Thus, school ought not to give students heavy punishment like suspending, expelling and sending to prison when they commit small things minor offenses like in case nobody got injured and no property got damaged, and schools ought to accept exceptions for various situations. Finally, people ought to help to keep students in schools without zero-tolerance policy and break the vicious cycle of the school to prison

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