Restoration Era Essay

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The Restoration Era is a time of rejoicing, change, and revising. Many occurances that take place during this time period bring upon change to ideals and values of the culture in England. Events take place that start or allow for change in the ways of life among the people of England. These changes effect the theater and literature of the time period as well. Plays, poems, essays, and other forms of literature all return with new aspects and strategies. One play in particular, All for Love by John Dryden, is influenced by the historical and theatrical events during this era.
“The Restoration Period lasted from 1660 to 1700.”(Naeemat). In 1660, old English ways would be replaced with the return of a new king.“The Restoration Period began when Charles II returned to the throne restoring monarchy in England.”(Naeemat). Charles return brought back the monarchy and wiped old rule out of England. Before the Restoation Charles I was beheaded and his son, Charles II, was exiled out of England.”(Naeemat). “Charles lived in France during his exile before returning.”(Naeemat). “When Charles did return, he brought back new values, morals, and a new way of life for the people of England.”(Naeemat). While he lived in France he picked up traits of their culture and introduced them to England under his rule. This sparks change in many different aspects of life among the people of England. Many of these changes are effective in new Restoration literature and theater.
“In 1642 the theatres were closed by the authority of the parliament.”(Naeemat). Before the Restoration, England was under strict rule and theater was forbidden. The Restoration would change this. “The theaters were finally reopened in 1660 after 18 years.”(Ward Vol.8). when...

... middle of paper ... a play in which the main charter is Mark Antony, one of the triumvirates of Rome, who falls in love with the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra.”(All for Love Dryden). “Antony gets stuck in between his love for Cleopatra and his devotion to his country. He ends up betraying Rome for the love of Cleopatra and ends up ying because of it. The moral of the story is that of the struggle between what is more important, honor or love. .”(All for Love Dryden).
The culture and historical changes of the Restoration, mainly brought on by King Charles II new found customs from France play a major role in the styles and writtings of the time. The new happy and free life allow everyone to express themselves more freely in areas such as literature. This can explain the need to amplify and exaggerate all human emotions in Restoration theater such as in the play All for Love.

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