Emile Fortin quitted his accounting job and started a restaurant in 2008. His whole family was all involved in his business and helped the restaurant keep operating and become better. Emile’s wife Gillian is in charge of everything about food. They have three sons. The oldest son Alan helped Gillian with the purchases. John did some job about cleaning. Their youngest son Robert, who was a busboy on the weekend and then started serving tables, is the one who has stayed with the restaurant work and hopes get more involved about restaurant management. Robert decided to pursue a bachelor degree in business administration after graduating from high school. During his freshman year, he started dating a young lady called Sylvia. Sylvia always helped the restaurant voluntarily …show more content…
Robert tried to use his management knowledge to solve some problems but no avail. As a result, Emile began to realize that the restaurant is no longer performing well on Saturday nights and decided to correct this situation. He asks his employees to learn from Sylvia since Sylvia’s receipts are higher on average than anyone else. Some of employees have tried to modify their behaviors to match Sylvia’s techniques, and the weekends’ total receipts have increased. However, these employees started to change their attitude toward this couple, such as shutting them out and leaving more work to them. Here, leadership is extremely important to solve this situation. Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. In this paper, I will discuss how leadership relates to Emile Fortin’s character. I will also discuss how other people in this case to react to their character if they maintain current course action. Then I will give suggestions about the leadership in this restaurant and explain the theory that appears to be the best one to understand the phenomenon of leadership in
provides very important approaches to leadership and ways of dealing with dilemmas, negative feedback, and other management issues. Although it has a few minor short comings, the book is well-written and properly structured, making it easy for the target readers to understand its content.
The McDonalds Company has come to the limelight as one of the fast foods outlet causing health problems to the young people. The youngsters have taken the matter to the judiciary to contest for justice. They have also engaged the media which has publicized the company in that respect. Nonetheless, it is not McDonalds Company alone. The writer confesses that he once dealt in that venture and is remorseful about the woes bedeviling McDonalds.
Leadership at times can be a complex topic to delve into and may appear to be a simple and graspable concept for a certain few. Leadership skills are not simply acquired through position, seniority, pay scale, or the amount of titles an individual holds but is a characteristic acquired or is an innate trait for the fortunate few who possess it. Leadership can be misconstrued with management; a manager “manages” the daily operations of a company’s work while a leader envisions, influences, and empowers the individuals around them.
Yukl, G. (2002). Leadership in organizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. p. 1-19. Retrieved from http://www.blackdiamond.dk/HDO/Organisation_Gary_Yukl_Leadership_in_Organizations.pdf
The theory suggests that the nature and quality of the company’s leaders is an important factor of the performance and job satisfaction of their subordinates (Glisson 1989). The theory implies that managers while in control need to be capable of maintaining cooperation from his or her employees. In this type of leadership style, the employees would be encouraged to share opinions and ideas. Staff would feel engaged in decision-making and creativity would be rewarded. The leader would be flexible, open to communication, and respectful of new
On leadership is a book which deserve to be read by us. Although this book use a precise formation to help us to examine a widely comprehensive aspects of the leadership, there are some drawbacks. Gardner cited different examples to talk about leadership, but just in a particular area, that is political area. So,
In order to understand McDonald's structure and culture and why they continue to be the world's largest restaurant chain we conducted a SWOT analysis that allowed us to consider every dimension involved in the business level and corporate level strategies.
The leadership is a privilege and it is such a privilege and an honor which will carry the tremendous responsibility which will inspire others to direct them to accomplish goals and vision of the organization. Leadership is about influencing the people, by producing direction, purpose and motivating in order to accomplish the mission, vision and improving the organization. The leadership philosophy is evolved based on the experiences, both positive and negative, in most of the initiatives and activities that we undertake. It is also one among the collaboration and teamwork within which the team members can utilize each other’s strengths to counter the weaknesses of the individuals. By observing, introspecting and experimenting we can developed a leadership paradigm which is inclusive, collaborative and proactive. We can develop the ability to recognize which will approach in order to reach the productive conclusion. The great leaders know their limitations and are capable at utilize their strengths and also the strengths of others to compensate.
McDonald's Corporation is the largest fast-food operator in the World and was originally formed in 1955 after Ray Kroc pitched the idea of opening up several restaurants based on the original owned by Dick and Mac McDonald. McDonald's went public in 1965 and introduced its flagship product, the Big Mac, in 1968. Today, McDonald's operates more than 30,000 restaurants in over 100 countries and have one of the world's most widely known brand names. McDonald's sales hit $57 billion company-wide and over $25 billion in the United States in 2006 (S&P).
“Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes” (Rost, 1931). But in today’s time, the styles of leadership are changed every time a new technology is invented or discovered so there is lack of persistency. The only thing which manages to stay constant is the principles of carrying out business activities. There are philosophies and ideologies on leadership which can be used in any time period as they are mostly a reflection of the principles of leadership. Theorists and authors like Hobbes (1679), Lewin (1947) and Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), in their time have produced enough material which can be put into use by modern day leaders and managers. Philosophers like Aristotle, who was known to be one of the most business-oriented and practical philosopher of his time, his work is still used by businesses today because of their relevance as he is interested in defining principles in terms of the ethics of leadership (Santa Clara University). In the essay I have tried to show how leadership has adapted to the changes around them and compared to the past and what circumstances caused need to change it. As a layman, anyone would think that the principles centuries ago will be very different to what we follow now but after studying on Hobbes, Lewin and Aristotle it has made a big impact on my way of thinking because the work produced by them still has more relevance compared to some of the work produced now. I have tried to explain the evolvement of leadership through three aspects which are psychology, sociology and philosophy.
Dinner Bell Hotel is a Michigan resort, with large meals, farm animals, petting zoo, lake for swimming and much more. As suggested by the name, the hotel holds the tradition of ringing the bell to announce mealtime. July through early November is the busiest time for the hotel as all summer and fall guest enjoy the atmosphere of an old-fashioned resort with a comfortable environment. The weather gets too cold by early November for most outdoor activities thus in order to attract customers, the hotel has also built an indoor pool and developed long theme weekends like classic movies.
”Leadership involves the exhibition of style or behavior by managers or supervisors while dealing with subordinates; leadership is a critical determinant of the employees ' actions toward the achievement of the organizational goals” (Saeed, Almas, Anis-ul-Haq, & Niazi, 2014). Leadership is a strength that initiates, inspires, and guides the cooperation and attitudes of others on the way to set vision. Leadership is influential and involves several styles of approaches that involve trust, accomplishment and focus to reach a projected result. Using and implementing the ideas of others motivates new thinking and gains the confidence to build the trust and encourage everyone to work to the same goals (Northouse,
A manager cannot just be a leader; he also needs formal authority to be effective. In some circumstances, leadership is not required. For example, self-motivated groups may not require a single leader and may find leaders dominating. The fact that a leader is not always required p... ... middle of paper ... ...
Leadership is not always in the hands of members and it continually meet with dilemmas and difficulties.
Leadership, without doubt, is a significantly important function of management. It helps to aggrandize efficiency and to fulfil an organization’s goals. Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce the subordinates to work with confidence, determination, courage and zeal. It is also defined as ability to influence a group towards the realization of a goal. Leaders should have the capability of developing future visions, and to drive the organizational members to want to attain the visions. This paper states my points in which I duly believe, justifies the importance of an outstanding leader in any organization.