Responsibilities Of A Sound Engineer

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There are many different fields and places Broadcast and Sound Engineering Technicians can find work. Many Sound Technicians are or can be involved in many activities such as recording a football game, working with music, and many other areas that basically require anything pertaining to recording and sound. Most of these fields or jobs would be known as: Engineer, Sound Technician, Rerecording Mixer, Live Sound Engineer, Producer, or a Recording Studio Setup Worker. Each of these is similar but they all have separate responsibilities, such as working environments, benefits, and techniques that are used for their jobs. Responsibilities Broadcast and Sound Engineer Technicians have similar but different responsibilities. For instance, Live Sound Engineers and Sound Technicians work during live performances to make sure that the sound is where it needs to be by using a sound board and making it a high quality sound. A Rerecording Mixer, Recording Studio Setup worker, and a Producer all work with recordings and their jobs are to rerecord any media if needed to, set up equipment for recording, and make music, videos, and mixers. Another job duty involved with being a Sound Engineer Technician is a Mastering Engineer, this engineer takes mixes (multiple recorded sounds that are combined into one) and makes finishing touches to them before they are produced. There are many more jobs. One is a Multimedia Developer, which has the responsibilities of gathering information and producing audios for compact discs and websites. Studio Designers are ones who provide audio and video designs for recording places. Assistant Engineers are in charge of assisting engineers by setting up, and helping with recordings. Production Assistants, are the o... ... middle of paper ... jobs cover a wide variety of job descriptions. Individuals can choose to work directly with people (live performances), or work in studios (mixing, etc), R/D, gathering info for CD’s/websites/etc… People can also assist engineers with setup, so as to make sure an audio tape/disc is properly made and on time. Individuals can as well have the chance to work with state of the art equipment, which would enable someone to provide the best possible product available. To become a BSET, a degree would be helpful, but not necessary. In some cases, an associate’s degree is needed, but if you want to get a quality BSET degree, the Institute of Tech. would be the place to go. People can experience a varied workplace if they go into Broadcast and Sound Engineering. Pay is good, but the love of the job and all that goes with it is why someone would want to go into this field

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