Response to Intervention in Your Classroom

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Response to Intervention (RtI)
4) How do you (or will you) implement RtI into your classroom?

Response to Intervention application “includes a combination of high quality, culturally and linguistically responsive instruction; assessment; and evidence-based intervention” (Shapiro, 2008, p.1) Implementation of RtI will play a part to the meaningful recognition of learning and behavioral problems, enhance instructional characteristics, provide all students with equitable opportunities to thrive in school, and help with the identification of learning disabilities and other at-risk behaviors (2008). RtI allows for “screening, progress monitoring, data-based decision-making, and a multi-level prevention system” as a means to “help every student access the grade-level standards in a very strong and effective core instructional program that is standards-based, data-driven, and responsive to student needs” (National Center on Response to Intervention, n.d.). We have a group of dedicated staff members that oversee our RtI program and report data and offer training during staff meetings, two g...

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