Response To Raffi Cavoukian's 'Smart Hockey'

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Smart hockey is the new hockey! This is what Raffi Cavoukian would have society believe and what he believes. Mr. Cavoukian argues his thoughts to an expert level in his blog. He does this by using clarity in his ideas, proving these ideas through evidence, and making all assumptions known. What is smart hockey? You may be asking yourself this very question; Cavoukian uses two outstanding points to show society what ‘smart hockey’ is and why he thinks it should be the new hockey. Violence can be defined as rough or injurious physical force, action or treatment. Cavoukian clearly portrays that violence is one of the main causes of his want to change hockey. He shows this by using examples of violence in hockey such as body checks. This …show more content…

Cavoukian uses his very own assumptions to add depth to his argument. This shows passion and confidence in thoughts. He must assume that violence does not equal hockey and hockey doesn’t equal violence. Speaking of how hockey can be enjoyed as a skillful sport only, removing all forms of violence in the game. This man must assume that hockey establishes the same meaning with or without violence. Technically this makes a lot of sense as without skill hockey would not be entertaining at all, my problem with this statement is that, it does also take a certain degree of skill to be able to perform these violent acts while on skates, and playing hockey, obeying the basic rules. On many occasions these violent events are not justifies, causing a domino affect of events. This can be explained by the assumption that a portion of the violence in hockey is caused by the referees not calling all infractions. Integrity in a sport is what all teams strive for; Cavoukian believes this can happen if the referees make all calls properly. By the rulebook, opposed to calling things that shouldn’t be called, or missing obvious infractions. He tells of how hockey has already starting changing and how is can change again, the NHL already put there foots down in regard to hooking and grabbing. This gives hope to society that change may happen, great addition to the

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