Response To 'Day You RE ETHNIC' By Pamela Perry

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In the article “WHITE MEANS NEVER HAVING TO SAY YOU’RE ETHNIC” by Pamela Perry the author states that the lack of white "culture" is a compelling argument about culture, and if you are white, you are not obligated to be aware of your own culture. The author interviewed two high school students, both being white. One of the students went to high school in a predominantly white neighborhood. The other went to a high school in a racially diverse neighborhood with not as many white people. The author found that in a white school, white culture is naturalized, meaning that students do not doubt what white means to them. For the students who went to the white minority school, they had to ask themselves what it meant to be white. Children from white …show more content…

But for both of these two schools, students were unable to define what white is. Many students said that white culture did not exist. White students believed to be white there is no common characteristics. They were not aware of what their cultural backgrounds were. They believed they came from Europe but they had no reason to know their own culture. The article states that “if at one time Western Europeans had to define themselves as cultural to set themselves apart and superior to “savages,” today, with much of the world “civilized” under Western domination, whites must claim a new and higher rung—the post-cultural—to maintain their privileged status." To claim proudly that they do not associate themselves with a culture is only a behavior found in white people, which they use to raise themselves to a more privileged position than others. The author states that culture is normal and results of culture is normal and not unreasonable. White culture is defining it individually. They believe themselves. They do not believe they have their own culture. They are unlike other cultures where they must follow …show more content…

In my own experience, it is similar to this authors. White people choose to be their individual. They do not feel the need to be traditional and follow their ancestors. They create their own. They have no culture because they are white. I feel the same, though, sometimes I feel I do not need to follow my traditional culture. I wonder why I need to learn about them. I do not really look like I will follow my culture. Sometimes, I do not want to follow my Chinese culture. Sometimes you will see some Chinese people with cultural skills but no education. Sometimes Chinese people are in the news for peeing on the street. I feel embarrassed for associating with them. I just want to be myself. Some people see you as your culture. They will think that I do the same thing as other people. It is okay to be yourself and not follow all your rules. I do need to learn my traditional education at school but I do not learn old Chinese traditions. I feel like they do not make sense. Also, I did not have any freedom in China. I was not able to speak badly about the government. They spy on every citizen. If they find you saying something bad, you will be put in prison. Sometimes culture does not make you who you are. You are the one to decide that. Sometimes it is not beneficial to learn about it. It depends on your person. What does culture mean to me? I have to learn Chinese tradition and pass them on. When it is the Chinese

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