Research Paper On The Joker

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With the new cover of Empire Magazine featuring new photos of DC's upcoming Suicide Squad movie, I thought it necessary to clear up some rumors about Jared Leto's highly anticipated performance as The Joker. There have been many suspicions about how Leto will play him; will he be more of a mischievous clown or will pay homage to Heath Ledger by turning the psycho-knob up to 11? Between the trailers for Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad and numerous leaked photos of Jared Leto's Joker, there are a few Joker facts from the Batman comic books that I can definitely confirm Leto will bring to the roll.
We've all seen the stunning photos of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn but this is the first time that Harley has ever been portrayed on the big …show more content…

Originally voiced by Arleen Sorkin, Harley's thick Brooklyn accent, silly antics and self-destructive devotion to The Joker immediately won viewers hearts. Harley was later introduced into the DC comic book universe; the first character ever to be introduced into the comics after first appearing on television.From the photos and trailer it appears that unlike Heath Ledger's Joker, Leto's WILL have bleached white skin and not face scars and make-up. The white skin signifies something important; THIS Joker must've come into some kind of chemical to make his skin turn white. The most common backstory for comic book version of The Joker is that at some point during the early days of Batman's career, he ran across a z-list criminal called The Red Hood, who fell into a vat of unknown chemicals at Ace Chemical Plant.Much fuss has been made in the geek circles about Joker's grill seen in the picture above. Many fans have bemoaned that it's "not canon." Joker never had metal teeth in the comics so how can he have them in a movie? The answer is simple: Batman punches him in the face repeatedly. After many years of battling The Bat, it only seems natural that Joker would have metal teeth installed... he also tends to be a biter in a fight.In the Batman v. Superman trailer,

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