Research Paper On Summer Break In School

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Although summer break is a luxury enjoyed by children across the globe, it is a practice that should be abolished because students forget a lot of the material they learned throughout the school year. Taking such a long vacation from the classroom is something that cannot be afforded. Without being constantly reminded of the information, kids allow much of it to escape.
The system we use today was not always in place. In fact, during Colonial times, year-round education was prominent. Starting in 1645, students would go to schools for ten hours a day year-round. The only reason the 9 month, 180 day system was only ever implemented in order to support the agricultural economy of the 19th and 20th century. Children and teens would need to take the summer off from schools to help their families out on the farm. It has now become obsolete. The excruciatingly long summer vacation no longer serves a valid purpose, and hinders the learning of kids. Often, teachers spend up to a quarter of the year reviewing topics from the year before which students forgot during the summer. With year-rou...

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