Research Paper On Poaching

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Why is poaching a concern? What can be done to “turn the tide” against poaching? Poaching is a devastating thing in wildlife. I am explaining this act because poaching makes people sick at heart, a lot of people want to stop this depressing source of action. Wildlife animals should be treated like humans and they shouldn’t be killed for food and other reasons such as ivory. Humans aren’t killed for food like animals are and we have freedom and for the most part live a happy life. It is so sad seeing this happen with these different animals. This devastating and upset poaching act is making people not want to go to the circus and other animal shows because they abuse those animals for no apparent reason and they take these animals out of their natural habitat. Possibly if we didn’t have a circus it would stop people from taking them from their habitat or from the wildlife and other people won’t think it’s okay for this act to happen. …show more content…

Some resolutions to help this issue is that they should have more security or patrol the area at the strongest, stop the animal shows where they abuse these animals, and have more sanctuaries throughout the countries. Although there is a lot of zoos and parks with wildlife in them, the best ones in my opinion are the ones with little to no interaction with humans. These animals are well taken care of in the zoos. Another resource that can prevent illegal poaching is Sanctuaries. Sanctuaries can also help prevent extinction because the animals are in a safe place. If any animal gets injured there are resources available to help make these animals

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