Pros And Cons Of Poaching

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Imagine an animal or a huge beast grazing on its own environment. Something hits them and everything is a blur. They awake and something is missing. Hunting illegally is a grave issue because they use the animal parts for a gain of money and a tactic to stop this from happening is to keep a close eye on them without their consent.
First, poaching is a huge game being played. It hurts the animals or species that are being targeted, which causes them to increase their chances of extinction. Orietta C. Estrada, an animal and environmental writer, explains that poaching "is a crime fueled by a lucrative black market trade of animal parts"(onegreenplanet). To these people, it is all about the money. They do not bother to think about how much pain this creature may feel. The only thing they desire to obtain is the big dollars. The animals that are affected by this monstrous act are elephants, tigers, rhinoceros, Tibetan antelopes, gorillas, and great apes(animalpoachers.weebly). The most they have done with dealing with the poachers is give them a cruel punishment for being caught. It does not work because it still happens today and the animals are still dying and becoming
It is best to have more than one solution to find the right one and the problem would be solved. Another possible, but unlikely useful solution, would be to have the area of the environment fenced so the poachers have no entrance to kill these animals. They will not have the chance to collect their reward because of the wired fences. The default of using the fence is food resources. What would happen after the animals that rely on grass or a herb of some kind? They would not survive without the source of food and they die causing a chain reaction. Another problem would be the wild animal needs medical care. The fence would stop the doctors from getting to the creature and provide it with medical

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