Research Paper On October Sky

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The movie “October Sky” is basically about a high school student Homer Hickam and three of his friends inventing a rocket which can actually fly for a long distance. Homer and his friends named each other the rocket boy. Homer Hickam talks about how the rocket boys got inspired, what problems they faced and how they were able to prove themselves innocent.
Homer got inspired by watching sputnik go into space. Since, then he got inspired to create his own rocket which can go into space. He was all hyped up about building his own rocket, that he told two of his friends about this experiment. Homer and his friends live in a small town where barely people get to go to college and get a job and earn good amount of money. People in this town usually …show more content…

Homer’s dad John Hickman was a mine worker. He wasn't impressed with Homer’s experiment. John wanted Homer to become a mine working just like his dad but Homer had something else planned for his life. Homer and his friends start building a rocket but sadly there few rockets turned out to be a fail. There first rocket blew up Homer’s moms fence. There second rocket ended up blowing right when they light it up. There other attempts ended up being a fail. The rockets went up onto the shy few inches but ended up blowing up. After all these attempts the rocket boys were losing hope but Miss Riley told them that they can win the science fair and get a scholarship and get into college. After so many tires, the boys finally end up making a rocket which goes a long distance into the sky. The whole town came to watch their success and for the rocket to go into the sky. Everyone showed up except Homer’s dad john. The next day Homer and his friends got arrested for causing a fire in the woods by their …show more content…

He had quit his rocket dream and help his dad out because his dad’s eye was damaged and they didn't have enough money to fix it so Homer decided to work in the mines to help out his family. After few days of working in the mines, his teacher Miss Riley invited Homer to come to her house. She inspired Homer to not give up and win the science fair and to prove to her that all the hard work she is going to make her students educated, actually pays off. Homer then decided to prove the cops wrong about how they did not cause that fire. He uses the equation of s= Ѕa(t І) where s is the altitude, a is acceleration from gravity, and t is time. Even though the equations and calculations confuse Mr. Turner, he was able to prove that his rocket flew for about 14 seconds and at an acceleration of 32ft/sІ, that means the altitude was about 3000 feet, exactly what Homer said it was. Therefore he concluded that his rocket only had a range of 1.2 miles so they couldn’t have started the fire in the forest 3 miles

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