Research Paper On Aphrodite

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So, what does it take to be a model? Can just anyone be one be a model? What personality traits do you need to have? Aphrodite, is the Greek Goddess of love, mother of 19 children, and wife. Her symbols include sea shells, mirrors, golden apples, the evening star, the number five, the ocean, the triangle, the dove and the swan. Aphrodite would make a great model because she is beautiful, clever, and helpful. One important reason why Aphrodite would be a good model is because she’s beautiful. The Iliad had always described Aphrodite as very beautiful and fragile. She is even said to be born out of sea foam. The text states, “Because of her beauty, other gods feared that their rivalry for her favours might lead to conflict and war” (Aphrodite). …show more content…

In myths, Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena were all fighting for the golden apple of Discord, which would bring power to its possessor. The judge of the contest, Paris was in charge of who received it. Wanting the apple, Aphrodite decided to bribe Paris with love. “And when he raided the house of King Menelaus and stole Helen away to Troy, he received Aphrodite's gift of Helen's love” (The Golden Apple). This proves that she’s clever, because she knew what to do to get her ways. In this example, Aphrodite knew that Paris most desired and then used that to her advantage, which proves she is clever. In modeling, You have to be clever enough to know the right way to present yourself for agencies to be interested in you. Once again, the evidence that she is clever adds another reason to why she would make a superb …show more content…

Individuals might say that Aphrodite was malicious. According to the text, “If her beauty is not given due credit, she is known to punish both man and God” (Aphrodite). They claim that Aphrodite wouldn't be a good model because she was so rude, which would deduct her from her successfulness. However, even though Aphrodite was punishing, she still was very beautiful and her attitude wouldn't get in the way of her wit and beauty. According to a study in the Journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, “the ruder or more disrespectful someone acts, the more `he’s able to convince everyone around him that he’s powerful — and above the rules” (Drelxer). Alternatively, Aphrodite being rude would actually be an advantage because it would make her seem more successful and powerful as a model, improving her career. This would positively impact Aphrodite’s career because it would make Aphrodite seem more confident, and agencies and companies look for attributes like that in a model. Attributes like successfulness and confidence produce better models, therefore making her a superior

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