Research Approacheses: Quantitative, Qualitative And Three Research Approaches

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3.3 Research Approaches Deductive approach will be used. Deductive as explained by Saunders and Lewis (2012, p. 108) it is an approach “which involves the testing of a theoretical proposition by using a research strategy designed to perform this test.” Moreover, we add that the research question should be defined while using general theory that exists already. (Saunders and Lewis 2012, p.108). Perhaps, deductive approach gives us the possibility to understand the theories that are currently established and raise questions or hypothesis to achieve any required further research. Saunders et al. (2012, p. 145) further explains that the hypotheses can be directly linked and formed from a theory or theories. Furthermore, deductive approach …show more content…

(2012, p. 173) can be generally defined “as a plan on how a researcher will go about answering her or his research questions.” In other words, while choosing our research strategy, we will try to explain how we are going to answer our research questions. Because we have incorporated quantitative and qualitative method, there are some issues that arise in the research strategy. Our research strategies will be principally linked with our quantitative and qualitative method research design and will be associated with our research philosophies and deductive approach. In this case the researcher use surveys questionaaires that will be administered and structured interviews as it is linked with the necessity to understand the reasons of for the participants’ attitudes or opinions regarding a specific issue and in this case ‘Accounting for RM, CG and EB in FIs …show more content…

On quantitative data analysis techniques, Saunders (2012, page 414) specifies that “graphs, charts and us to explore, present, describe and examine relationships and trends within our data.” The data collected will be checked for reliability because there will always be some errors no matter how carefully you are. Thus, our data will be collected and analysed using statistical techniques such as SPSS and Excel to determine: descriptive statistics, scattered charts, correlation analysis, hypothesis testing and other statistical testing. SPSS and Excel permit for further analytical abilities such as the creation of models and association of themes in data collected and validating the research hypothesis. In addition

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