Representative Governance

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a) Understand the principles of representative governance and how those principles can be implemented in a school setting.
Representative government is a type of government where people are elected to make decisions that represent them. According to, “representative government has historically denoted a system in which people elect their lawmakers (representatives), who are then held accountable to them for their activity within the government” ( This idea of government is utilized by many non-profits but mainly school districts. The school districts utilize the board of education as their governance.
School Governance is the personals who are involved in the operation of a school. But an effective school …show more content…

“Recognizing the importance of directly involving youth in conflict resolution, many schools and communities are using the Peer Mediation approach” (Olive, eJournal) This approach is to have both parties work out their differences. In a school environment, it should be encouraged that people resolve issues together by talking it over. A school leader should encourage that if there are staff to staff issues, they are to work out their differences and find common ground. An example could also be when a teacher is being reprimanded by an administrator. They can have a union member be the …show more content…

When a shared decision is made, all members take ownership of the processes. An effective educational leader should have an understanding of a shared decision as it relates to school improvement and improved student learning. When a district is writing its school improvement plan, they should have a committee of various stakeholders. The stakeholders are the ones that represent the overall community. Within various committees, there should be a shared decision as each member will be more inclined to complete and succeed at the task at hand. Have a shared decision is also important for grade level teachers. School leaders should ensure that all teachers that are on the same team and throughout the school are on the same page when it comes to education, discipline, and management. Students know when teachers are not on the same page and can easily pick up on the discontinuity between the team. Educators should show that they are in agreement and have developed a shared vision of how to improve student

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