Christian Science is an idealistic and most radical form of transcendental religiosity. The study of Christian Science teaches a feeling of understanding of God's goodness and the differences between good and evil, life and death. The purpose of this paper is to address how the study of Christian Science helps us better understand the impact of globalization in America, as well as the impact of American on globalization. This paper is important because globalization features a dominant worldview. All throughout the world people believe, study and teach different types of religious movements that impact others. People need to better understand how certain religions modify, conflict with, and impact the world. First, it will discuss the life and work of the founder, Mary Baker Eddy. Secondly, it will examine the primary rituals and religious services of the Christian Science movement. Then, it will outline the precursors and history of the religion. In the conclusion, a response will be offered to the question of how Christian Science helps us better understand the impact of globalization on America and of America on globalization. Christian Science is a new religious movement that was founded by a lady named Mary Baker Eddy, born Mary Baker Rose on July 16, 1821 and sadly left this world December 3, 1821. Eddy continuously studied the Bible throughout her life and took a great liking to reading and understanding the sacred text. Growing up, she frequently stayed ill and highly emotional until one day she grew so very life-threatening sick that she simply asked for her Bible. After reading two of Jesus' healings, Eddy miraculously recovered from a severe fall on an icy sidewalk and became well again. After doing this... ... middle of paper ... ... and quickly gained 400,000 worldwide followers who relied on the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy's own, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," for their answers. In the Christian Bible there is a lot of end time prophecies. The Bible is a historically sacred book, the events in the Bible correlate to other historical documents and landmarks. Christian Science includes the Old Testament which is the Torah for Judaism and Koran for Islam. It is also written in many translations but the original being Aramaic, Hebrew and a few others. Christian Science takes a different view on to the world than other religions do. People become concerned with the idea of this new religion and want to learn more about it. This in turn helps globalize the religion and the world because the facts, ideas, beliefs and practices are being spread throughout the world immensely.
McFague, Sallie. "New House Rules: Christianity, Economics, and Planetary Living."Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2002. 125-40. Print.
In Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcy's essay, "Worldviews in Conflict," the authors evaluate the shifting culture context of today's society and how Christianity fits into this situation. The essay compares the differing views between Christianity and today's worldview, and informs the reader on how to engage today's culture. "Worldviews in Conflict" is a reliable source because its authors, audience, publication, and purpose make it
Enforcing universal truths has never worked in the past. The imposition of a new belief system is often met with much backlash. The Thirty Years War, French Wars of Religion, and the English Civil war are examples of much bloodshed due to religious conflict. It is with this knowledge that Appiah argues that we must let each other make personal decisions that directly correlate with how much one is affected by the impact of globalization. Thus the suggestion of ideas and the choice of whether or not to adopt them is much stronger and much more effective than forcing an idea upon camp, and that I always had wanted to try and make the Bible fit within the framework of what we knew scientifically. Then I reread chapter three closer a second time and realized that the Cosmology of Genesis position, that Biblical scholars recommend for the studying of the Bible, is really the position I need to take for me to enjoy my reading and understanding of the Bible. For someone else like me who has always had those unanswered questions about how the Bible and science correlate, reading this book can help them put the studying of the Bible into a different prospective. “Let Wesley's words to a Catholic Christian characterize our disposition toward one another: “So far as we can, let us always rejoice to strengthen each other's hands in God. Above all, let us … take heed … (not to) fall … short of the religion of love.”” (loc 138 Kindle, Truesdale)
Founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) in 1879, the cult of Christian Science primarily bases its beliefs on the personal healing experience of its founder, after suffering from various illnesses. Eddy later embarked upon a detailed study and research mission of the Bible, paying particular attention to the various healing methods mentioned in the Biblical Book of the Christian followers. Perhaps inspired by a healing method, which Eddy dubbed as Christian Science, she authored a book titled "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures". The launching of this book provided for the emergence of this new cult, which she duly named "Christian Science", followed by opening of a college, a church, a publishing enterprise and a newspaper, "The Christian Science Monitor" that later found considerable fame amongst the followers of Christians as well as believers of other faiths. Though the faith did not emerge until after 4 years of the publication of the first issue of "Science and Health", it was only in 1879 that a proper metaphysical college was opened followed by the opening of the first Church for the followers of Christian Science. (Slick, 2003; Kramer, 2004; Meyer, 1961)
“The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity” by Philip Jenkins examines the change in global Christianity from being a predominantly Euro-American religion and tracks its fast spread in the South. The thesis of the book is that Christianity has dramatically shifted South to the continents of Africa, Asia, and Latin America and is rapidly growing in those regions while declining in the West.
...atin America, giving hope to those who are or were afraid to let go of the controlling grip of western dominance and showing that the opinions of the south will be more traditionalist and supernatural. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the changing face of Global Christianity. It is clear that a watershed event has occurred, and we are just now becoming aware of this change. Though at times this book was a bit dry and difficult to read but in the end it wasn’t a bad read. The first few chapters I felt overloaded you with information but as I kept reading it slowly dwindle down to analysis, narrative, and application of the information. For Christian readers, I think the value of this book prepares you for the “new world order” so to speak in Christianity as Africa and Latin American decide which direction the church will take.
A Scientific Understanding of God Two eighteenth century movements, the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening, changed American colonists’ views on reason and wisdom. The Enlightenment, led by philosophers such as John Locke, emphasized abstract thought to acquire knowledge. The European and American thinkers’ research led to a greater understanding of scientific phenomena and the questioning of the government’s rule. Similar to the Enlightenment, the Great Awakening changed colonists’ mode of thought through the concentration of emotion rather than wisdom. Reverend Jonathan Edwards, a Great Awakening revivalist, emphasized seeking salvation by recognizing one’s own moral corruption and surrendering to God’s will. Although the Great Awakening challenged religious, social and political orthodoxy, the Enlightenment had a greater impact on colonial America and vastly influenced future decisions. The Great Awakening reached a large quantity of people because of the traveling orators that preached the evangelical word. Although Enlightenment learning was limited to the wealthy, educated colonists, the movement’s influence was still stronger because the well-to-do ruled the land. Enlightenment philosophers began questioning corrupt governments and the combination of church and state. John Locke claimed that because the people created a government, then civilians could change the run of the government. This belief, perhaps, was the most influential to colonial society. Educated and powerful political leaders began questioning their government under British rule, therefore, igniting dreams of independence. The Enlightenment theory added to the oppression of British rule led to a revolution. Although not as significant as the Enlightenment, the Great Awakening still had a deep impact on colonial society. Primarily, the conflict that arose between the religious revivalists and ultimately ended in a split in the evangelical group changed the face of religion in the British colonies. The New Light revivalists spawned such denominations as Baptist and Methodist, which differed in the old lights beliefs in doctrine and matters of faith. These new sects resulted in a stronger tolerance toward religious diversity. Also, because revivalists preached mainly to backcountry people who had no religious affiliation, the emphasis on emotion rather than wisdom gave less-educated people a feeling of self-worth. These new freethinking converts gained the strength to begin questioning social and political order. The movements of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening mainly produced a new mode of thought for American colonists.
There are several aspects to consider when exploring the Christian worldview. There are many facets or denominations and they each have their own distinct beliefs and practices, but they all share the same fundamental beliefs. In this Paper we will explore the character of God, His creation, humanity and its nature, Jesus’ significance to the world, and the restoration of humanity, as well as my beliefs and the way that I interact with Christianity and my personal worldview.
Religion can be viewed from many different perspectives. People throughout the world hold different religious values. One person’s religious value will not match the religious values of another person. Globalization as a whole has affected the way we view the different religions and our feelings towards them; it has moved towards a more symbolic representation of ideologies. Many have come to believe that the west is more superior to others. Martha Crenshaw argues that globalization is a key driver of terrorism because there is a comparison between countries having less access to means of production and others having more access. Furthermore, most religions go against each other’s beliefs and as for Islam; they have neglected the ideologies of the west. In order to understand how religious values are interconnected is through language games; we think in certain ways because of issues of power.
Many historical figures have shaped the way we live today. We look back as a society and learn from their mistakes and achievements that have made them who they are and always will be. Most importantly, we never forget what has made them so special in our minds. Mary Baker Eddy was one of the many who made history because of her great deeds and accomplishments. Nonetheless, she is not famous to many people because of what she was, but she is famous for what she has left our world. The greatest individuals are those who leave their work for others to discover.
Thomas Aquinas claims Christianity is a science with the use of the writings of Aristotle on scientific knowledge. Aquinas also makes the claim that theology, or the study God, is a science accepted through Revelation. Faith provides ammunition for Aquinas to state that believers of Christianity have the affirmation of God already inside of them. This claim considered that divine writings were inspired by God. Aquinas stated, "The principles of any science are either in themselves self-evident, are reducible to the knowledge of a higher science are the principles of sacred doctrine." Once these documents had God’s authority approved by faith, they became indemonstrable knowledge, as Aristotle discussed in his earlier writings, and cannot be challenged.
At first glance, many facets of science and religion seem to be in direct conflict with each other. Because of this, I have generally kept them confined to separate spheres in my life. I have always thought that science is based on reason and cold, hard facts and is, therefore, objective. New ideas have to be proven many times by different people to be accepted by the wider scientific community, data and observations are taken with extreme precision, and through journal publications and papers, scientists are held accountable for the accuracy and integrity of their work. All of these factors contributed to my view of science as objective and completely truthful. Religion, on the other hand, always seems fairly subjective. Each person has their own personal relationship with God, and even though people often worship as a larger community with common core beliefs, it is fine for one person’s understanding of the Bible and God to be different from another’s. Another reason that Christianity seems so subjective is that it is centered around God, but we cannot rationally prove that He actually exists (nor is obtaining this proof of great interest to most Christians). There are also more concrete clashes, such as Genesis versus the big bang theory, evolution versus creationism, and the finality of death versus the Resurrection that led me to separate science and religion in my life. Upon closer examination, though, many of these apparent differences between science and Christianity disappeared or could at least be reconciled. After studying them more in depth, science and Christianity both seem less rigid and inflexible. It is now clear that intertwined with the data, logic, and laws of scien...
There has always been some sort of Christianity in history. Always new ways of doing things with each generation that comes of age. The changes that are made have not been with the conception of destroying the established ways but with establishing a continuity to preserve what is now and what is new. This is known as the preservation of type or the first note of fidelity of the existing developments of Christianity also known as the Principles of Christianity. There are three particular principles that I find to be intriguingly fascinating.
The relationship between science and religion has been debated for many years. With strong personal opinions and beliefs, it is not surprising that no progress has been made in this argument. In my opinion, I feel as though religion and science have to be related in some way. There is no possible way people can separate two things that attempt to prove the same facts. My belief is that a metaphorical bridge has to be formed to connect the two. Personally, I feel as though science can be a compliment to religion, and that the scientific discoveries can and should be used to prove that God exists, not disprove it. If science did this, then the relationship between science and religion could be a friendly one. If that happened, people could stop debating and fighting over the two, allowing priests and scientists to talk and work together peacefully.