Religion Are The Most Important Characteristics Of Religion

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Beliefs and believers –

Beliefs and believers are the most important characteristics of religion. Beliefs are defined as true thoughts that help express self-understanding of the tradition of the religion. For example, the Buddhist religion believes in Buddha (the teacher), Dharma (Buddha’s laws) and Sangha (the community of monks and nuns). Believers are people that are adherent of a particular religion or divine being. For example, Christians believe in one God, creator of the universe and everything in it.

Sacred texts and writings –

Sacred texts and writings are to help people understand the important beliefs in a religion. A sacred text or writing may be written or shown as an image. For example, Muslims believe in the holy book ‘Qur’an’. It contains the key messages of how Muslims should live and treat one another and it is revered.

Ethics –

Ethics are ideas that guide us through life, helping show us how we should live life. For example, Hindus believe that all life is holy. They try to not hurt humans or animals either mentally, physically or emotionally.

Rituals and ceremonies –

Rituals and ceremonies are ways to celebrate the tradition and connect with the religion. For example, Jewish people believe that when a person passes away their body should never be left alone until they are buried. Next to the body a candle is lit as a sign of reverence.

2. Explore the ways in which these characteristics interact to create a dynamic, living religion in Christianity.

In Christianity the characteristics used to create a dynamic, living religion include beliefs and believers, sacred texts and writings, ethics and rituals and ceremonies.

Christianity is the world’s largest religion beginning about 20...

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...lly correct way. For example in regards to sexual morality Christianity has prominent views about homosexuality and extra marital affairs. Social concerns about wealth and resources and the impact of pollution on the environment are also significant issues. Catholic Earthcare Australia is one such organisation.

One of the strongest desires of human experience is the “sense of belonging”. Religion allows for this community feeling because it brings people together who have similar ideals and values in a caring environment. Christians meet regularly at mass as a community to remember Jesus died for our sins.
Rituals are a significant part of religious life. Stages in humans lives are marked by traditional events. Christians are baptised, confirmed and married in their ‘church’. Great importance is placed on these and other events and the rituals associated with them.

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