
552 Words2 Pages

Early Christian monasticism derived from individuals whom fled to the deserts of Egypt in order to practice their faith. The monk, in attribute to the private nature of these first worshippers, is Greek for the word monachos, meaning “solitary”. These individuals, both men and women, were considered to be hermits and in addition to living alone, were under strict moral codes that enabled them from obtaining spouses, eating meat, and drinking wine. They simply devoted themselves to the Lord. These early worshippers were the foundation for the very first organized monasticism. The fourth century was the forthcoming of coenobitic monasticism. These communal monks followed Pachomius’ “rule”, which were a collection of governing guidelines that controlled daily life. They adopted this life in order to for “disciplining of body and spirit to foster contemplation of God”. The monks followed strict diet, prayer, and work procedures. Their living quarters were simple and their dress consisted of solely habits. These monks woke in the darkness of morning for prayer and weaved baskets...

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