Relationships and Stereotypes in Maus

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“I'm not talking about YOUR book now, but look at how many books have already been written about the Holocaust. What's the point? People haven't changed... Maybe they need a newer, bigger Holocaust.” These words were spoken by author Art Spielgelman. Many books have been written about the Holocaust; however, only one book comically describes the non-superficial characteristics of it. Art Spiegelman authors a graphic novel titled Maus, a book surrounding the life a Jewish man living in Poland, named Vladek. His son, Art Spielgelman, was primarily focused on writing a book based on his father’s experiences during the Holocaust. While this was his main focus, his book includes unique personal experiences, those of which are not commonly described in other Holocaust books. Art’s book includes the troubles his mother, Anja, and his father, Vladek, conquered during their marriage and with their family; also, how his parents tried to avoid their children being victimized through the troubles. The book includes other main characters, such as: Richieu Spiegelman, Vladek first son; Mala Spiegelman, Vladek second wife; and Françoise, Art’s French wife. Being that this is a graphic novel, it expresses the most significant background of the story. The most significant aspect about the book is how the characters are dehumanized as animals. The Jewish people were portrayed as mice, the Polish as pigs, the Germans (Nazis in particular) as cats, and Americans as dogs. There are many possible reasons why Spiegelman uses animals instead of humans. Spiegelman uses cats, dogs, and mice to express visual interests in relative relationships and common stereotypes among Jews, Germans, and Americans. Art Spiegelman use of animals in the story Maus rep... ... middle of paper ... ...from the Germans. The Germans were drawn as cat to show the fierce authority and power they have over the Jewish. The Americans were drawn as dogs to show how they help the Jewish mice free themselves from the German cats. The relationship between the Jewish mice, German cats, and American dogs represents a dog-cat-mouse food chain. The Jewish rats are attacked by the German cats, and the Jewish mice are freed by the American dogs, by the Americans successful attempt to conquer the German cats. Also in the story, there is evidence of relationships and stereotypes of Poles, French, and Gypsies. The use of animals gives readers a better understanding of the Holocaust. It also gives reader the knowledge from a surviving victim’s perspective. It is significant that authors do more than write a story, but also tell a story in a way a person can visually experience it.

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