Relationship of Women and Technology in Cyborg Manifesto

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Abstract: Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto discusses the relationship of women and technology.

Summary Critique of ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’

Donna Haraway’s essay, ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’ is an analysis of women and advanced technology in a postmodern world. Haraway uses various illustrations to focus on women’s relation to the technologically scientific world, she uses the metaphor of a cyborg to challenge feminists and engage in a politics beyond naturalism and essentialisms. She also uses the idea of the cyborg to offer a political strategy for the dissimilar interests of socialism and feminism. In her manifesto, Haraway describes a cyborg as a hybrid of machine and organism or a cybernetic organism, created by the advances in technology.

She discusses science and the creation of cyborgs, for example, biology teaches us that a Cyborg is the combination of human and machine, many examples of this can be found in the medical field by the use of prosthetic limbs. Contemporary science fiction is full of cyborgs - creatures simultaneously animal and machine, which populate worlds ambiguously natural and crafted. Haraway uses the metaphor of cyborg identity to describe ways that things considered natural, like human bodies, are not natural but are constructed by our ideas about them. This is particular related to feminism, since women are often discussed or treated in ways that reduce them to bodies. The concept of the cyborg is a rejection of rigid boundaries, notably those separating "human" from "animal" and "human" from "machine." Cyborg theory contends that technology comprises material extensions of the material human body.

Haraway eliminates the gender hierarchy, she argues against essentialism. Haraway discusses that m...

... middle of paper ... Marxist feminists and socialist feminists is to expand the category of labor to accommodate the work women do, as well as the wage relation. Historically women do not make as much as men in the same job. Traditionally, a women's labor includes all of the household activities and the activities she performs as a mother. Gender might not be global identity after all, even if it has profound historical breadth and depth.

Feminists have recently claimed that women are better able to sustain daily life activates more so than men. There is a compelling aspect to this claim, one that makes visible unvalued female activity and names it as the ground of life. Technology can mask gender, this move may have a tendency to fade out the female gender. This seems to be an attempt to keep women out of the forefront and the male gender can be supreme, after the cyborg.

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