Reinforcement Vs. Operant Conditioning

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Burrhus Fredric Skinner was in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania on Mach 20, 1904. His parents Grace Burrhus and William Skinner both worked for Erie Railroad, but later his father got a job at the law firm. According to Skinner he grew up in a strict household. One day his father took his oldest son to jail to show him what will happen to him if he continue to misbehave. Fred had a younger sibling named Edward who was his parents “favorite child”. Edward who was more social than Fred, was also very good at playing sports. Unfortunately tragedy happened in the family, which hurt the family tremendously with the death of Edward’s passing away at age 16 due to a brain aneurysm. Living in a small town Fred went to the same school all way to the 12th grade …show more content…

Operant conditioning is a major form in human behaviorism of his entire theoretical system. One of the other major keys is reinforcement that comes along with two different types. Reinforcement is a repetition that follow and influence behavior. Positive reinforcement, which is one of the two types, increase stimulus, while negative reinforcement which is the second type, removes the stimulus. Also there is social reinforcement which defines the children’s engaging behavioral responses such as a smile, attention or hug.
Most parents consider punishment as a strict environment for children that misbehave or disobey their authority. The definition of punishment is a behavior occur in the future, that will reduce after change. There are two types of punishments positive and negative, both of them are less likely to be repeated, but positive punishment involves a result in behavior, while negative punishment engages when something positive is taken away. Even though Fred acknowledges punishment as his answer to behavior, he disagrees with the use of it, because it have everlasting effect. However he did believed it will probably come to an extinct within …show more content…

With the help of this theory, this has influence teachers in classroom environments in so many ways. Some teachers may have a problem with students getting along with one another, so they use reinforcement theory; they talk to both of the students to see what the issue is, then you treat them for finding a resolution ,besides them arguing. This also can have a positive effect on the
B.F Skinner Theories have on huge impact early childhood. Shaping, chaining, punishments, extinction, and discrimination and generalization have been qualified to be use as technique’s for teachers and other programs. They can receive methods of prizes and teachers can display chances in a way children can learn. The important key is to provide positive feedback from the students, in which they can positive effective learning. “A person who has been punished is not thereby simply less inclined to behave in a given way; at best he learns how to avoid punishment”. Quoted from B.F Skinner, for teachers to understand the reason some children misbehave is to get something out of

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