Reflective Journal: A Reflection On Marketing Management

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This report/reflective journal has been prepared as a reflective work of my group in Marketing Management course. The main purpose of this reflective journal is to redirect how I and my team mates worked while undertaking the module. The main point of writing this Reflective journal is to include my actual thoughts and reaction during this module. This reflective journal is personal learning experiences. I have been asked by the university of faculty sciences to write a individual reflective journal on thinking about a business plan that should consist of my critical way of thinking in an analytic way. Personally the reason why I have chosen to study Marketing Management is because marketing is a diverse field to work in which involves in group activities, what I love about this course is it gives you opportunities as a student to join in with the group that you are satisfied and can relate with. As student of Marketing Management I love being given responsibilities such as doing researches etc... Sometimes you got to handle …show more content…

So sometimes its important to make the workplace more flexible for employee's/student because if the employee's don't get no lunch break or some type of rest then employee's will have a lack of motivation, this will certainly effect the company's growth. This covers the module content of work orientation, motivation and meaning, and reward. In class what I learnt was the different motivational theories relating to workplace/studying. For example an Employee's motivation is a factor that causes an employee to pursue work tasks or

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