Reflective Essay On Social Work

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As I reflected and read the first chapters, it made me realize that I need to grasp more knowledge and information when it comes to social work, because it's such a broad field and they work in different settings with various roles and duties. My understanding of social work was only limited to case managers because they were the first people to visit us in our empty apartment when we came here to America, and they provided us the necessary resources such as helping us apply for public assistance and search for employment opportunities for my parents so that we can gain stability. Without, having a caseworker advocating for us and linking us with resources my family and I wouldn't be able to cope with life in America because we couldn't speak English and that created …show more content…

This scenario only captures one part of social workers role, but it highlights an important mission of social work. According to the NASW, "the primary mission of the social work is to protect and enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty" (NSAW,2008)."
The above scenario of my experience with the social worker is called direct practice social work because the case manager assed our needs at home, and utilized appropriate resource system which we needed at that moment. Since social work is a field that is dedicated to helping and enhancing the lives of others, practitioners have to obtain the ethics and knowledge to apply different scenarios when it comes to helping clients. Therefore, they have to follow the philosophy of direct practice in social work which is a set of values and principles that provide guidelines for social workers, because it explains the dynamic

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