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Importance and scope of early childhood education
Importance and scope of early childhood education
Importance and scope of early childhood education
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When I first heard the term ECE, my first thought was, YAY! I will be learning education content intended for young children. Specifically, formal school age children, kindergarten through fifth grade. Kindergarten is when education starts, right? I had always assumed “early childhood” to be a term used to describe children five to eight. To me, the term early childhood education (ECE) was primarily in regards to the education of elementary children. My understanding of early education, was constricted to my personal experiences with the term elementary, and how I synonymously used it with early education.
First, I loved elementary school! Being able to play at recess, have snacks, and less assessment driven instruction, made me relish learning. Second, in my early education school years, I excelled in academics, interpersonal relationships, and was a great football player. I have been one of the only “girls” who was picked to play school yard ball with the boys. The years that followed, not so much. After, elementary it was not cool for girls to play football, it was more difficult to maintain friendships, and academics were lackluster and tiresome, I loathed middle and high school. Third, in my adult life, I have worked in a public elementary school for seven years. It has been my most rewarding career to date. I knew
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I learned the significance of providing reinforcement and positive feedback when children perform behaviors, like helping one another. This way the students will tend to repeat the desired pro-social behavior. Also, the impact of being a good role model for the children. In a pro-social environment, it is imperative to read stories that illustrate pro-social behaviors, and work with the parents in a professional and caring way. I now have the knowledge to provide and practice conflict resolution skills in the classroom, and structure it for prime
Nelsen, J., Lott, L., & Glenn, S. (2000). Positive discipline in the classroom developing mutual respect, cooperation, and responsibility in your classrooms, 3rd ed. (p. 120). Roseville, Califonia: Prima Publishing.
Help students increase their perception of control over their environment by showing them how to better manage their own stress levels. Instead of telling students to act differently, take the time to teach them how to act differently. By introducing conflict resolution skills, teaching anger and frustration management, helping student set goals, role-modeling, teaching and exemplifying social skills, as a teacher I can have a huge impact on these children and could help buffer the effects of their habitus, cultural capital, SES, and step in to help stop the cultural reproduction of social inequality in my classroom. Ultimately, I want my students to benefit from the hidden curriculum in my classroom, and I would work hard to ensure that the unwritten, unofficial, and often-unintended lessons, values, and perspectives I expose my children to are beneficial and positive in shaping their
Early childhood education, although constantly evolving, was actually established and practiced as early on as the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. The foundation that early childhood education is based upon is to instill in children the skills needed to succeed later on in life, while making sure young children enjoy their time in schooling. Throughout chapter 3 in the textbook Who Am I in the Lives of Children, the reader is capable of evaluating just how greatly the methods for teaching today’s youth have evolved and changed for the better.
Previously in Ireland the education side of child care was majorly under rated which meant more emphasis was placed on the care of children rather than promoting the potential of the developing child. Before the 1990’s children were cared for by mothers, other family members or neighbours and other child care settings were largely run by voluntary organisations such as Irish Preschool Playgroup Association, family support groups such as Barnardos. These services were created due to demand that was not previously needed, but they were unregulated. The Child Care Act 1991 was the first regulation brought into practice in childcare settings.
A substantial amount of research considers how children develop and form attachments from a few months old, as this period can have huge implications later in their life. Children’s experience of attachment will provide them with a schema about how attachments form so it’s critical they have a positive childhood and form close bonds, especially with a primary caregiver. This essay will attempt to assess the impact early daycare has on children’s ability to form attachments and to what extent it affects a child’s development.
From the perspective I have at this stage in my journey in the early childhood education field, I would like to share what I have come to value and believe in regards to early learning and care by looking at my philosophy statement. To begin we will look at the statement and highlight three key features and find out why they are important to me, then we will see what they will look like in my practice, and lastly we will examine these ideas closely by looking at where they originated. By taking an in-depth look at my philosophy statement we will better understand the motivation behind my practice which I hope to continue to refine and refresh as I gain more knowledge and experience.
While walking through the front gates of County elementary school, you see children of all ages playing while they wait for the school bell to ring. Walking to the classroom that I will be observing you see students with their parent’s line up waiting to get signed in. The students are to be signed in by a parent or guardian for safety precautions, and shows that the child was signed into school. As a visitor, I am to sign myself in, this shows I was in the classroom, at what time was I there, and reason for visiting the classroom.
Demonstrate a strong understanding of current Australian early childhood education and care reform agenda in Australia since 2007. The Australian ECE and care reform agenda was initiated, in 2007, due to a concern for the wellbeing and increasingly poor outcomes for children in several key areas. Evidence confirmed the importance and impact of a child’s health, well-being, development and learning in the early years, therefore the need for an NQF and NQS was initiated. The impact of social change over recent decades has shown families struggling to function and aid in their child’s development.
This research report presents an analysis of and conclusions drawn from the experiences and perspectives of two educators that work in the early childhood setting. The main objective is to identify key elements and issues in relation to the families, diversity and difference. In particular how an early childhood educator implements, different approaches to honour culture and diversity, and to advocate for social justice in an early childhood settings. As such, it allows an insight into the important role that families and their background plays in the everyday lives of the children and educators within early childhood settings. In today’s ever-changing growing society it is essential for educators to be flexible to the diversity and differences with families of today. Gaining an insight into way that educators view and approach these important elements will enable the readers to understand that diversity and social justice is not only interwoven into today’s education system but also the educators themselves.
How one plans to tackle all of the challenges will help them when making decisions in the future. To many people, early childhood education is unnecessary. I realize that going into this teaching field, I will most likely have to interact with adults who will argue that it is useless. There are a lot of thorny issues surrounding the professionalization of early childhood education (“The Challenges of Professionalizing ECE Workforce”). I am prepared to talk to adults about my beliefs and the importance of the program. As I go into this career with the knowledge of this, I will be more prepared on how to handle those who have a different opinion than I
Curriculum is the organized framework that explains the content that children are to learn, the processes through which children achieve the identified curricular goals, what teachers do to help children achieve these goals and the context in which teaching and learning occur. The best curriculum for early childhood teacher is developmentally appropriate curriculum that allows teachers to set-up an effective learning environment for children.
Since the beginning of time, fathers have had a profound effect on their child’s development. Over the years, the norm for traditional family dynamics of having a father figure in the household has changed drastically, and so did the roles of the parents. It is not as common as it used to be to have a father or father figure in the home. In this day and age, women are more likely to raise children on their own and gain independence without the male assistance due to various reasons. The most significant learning experience and development of a person’s life takes place in their earlier years when they were children. There are many advantages when there is a mother and father combined in a
Before learning about early childhood in this class I never realized all the way children at such a young age are developing. From the second part of this course I learned how much children are developing at the early childhood stage. I never realized children learn how about their emotions, having empathy, and self-concept at such a young age. I thought children had it easy. They play with friends, start school, and just be kids. One important thing that stood out to me in this chapter is that children’s self-esteem starts at this stage. According to Berk (2012), “self-esteem is the judgments we make about our own worth and the feelings associated with those judgments (p. 366)”. Self-esteem is very important for a child to have and it can
Entering my kindergarten teaching experience in the last quarter of school year I had to quickly become familiar with kindergarten content standards and the school’s curriculum. To do this I observed my mentor teachers instructional time with the children and gained as much information as I could about the children’s educational standing by developing a professional relationship with the my mentor teacher and the children. I learned that the majority of my kindergarten children had not previously attended preschool and that this was their first year of school. I found that interacting with the children in social activities provided me with great insight to their literacy, math, science, and social studies development. In reviewing the children’s class projects, school displays, and an array of their work sample along with my mentor teachers year-long assessments I was able to recognize challenging, emerging and advanced content areas of the children’s core curriculum. These emerging and challenging content areas is what I centered my curriculum planning around. “Information about each child’s learning and development is used to evaluate teaching effectiveness. This may lead to changes in schedule, curriculum and teaching strategies, room set up, resources, and so on.” (Bredekamp and Copple, p. 249)
There are many documented theories about early childhood development, contemporary research still concurs with some of these theories. It suggests, however, that we should be thinking more holistically, taking into consideration; respect for diversity, the wider community and equity, play based curriculums, intentional teaching and ongoing reflective practices when planning for optimal educational experiences for children (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2009). I acknowledge that ongoing professional learning and reflective practices are a key element of the Early Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009). I accredit working and collaborating with other teachers, families and local communities collectively contribute