Kindergarten Essays

  • Computers in Kindergarten

    1169 Words  | 3 Pages

    Computers in Kindergarten Perhaps you are skeptical as to the benefits of using technology with young children and you’re not unsure about using computer technology for your own purpose. Some questions frequently asked are, Does using computers in the primary grades stifle young children’s natural inclination to experiment and explore and hamper the development of independent thought? Will hardware turn primary classrooms from environments that nurture young minds to labs that merely mesmerize

  • Kindergarten Teachers

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    children hood education is important and it is the foundation for the overall growth and development of a children. There was a man name Friedrich Froebel who taught adults how to be a kindergarten teachers. One of his students was Mrs. Carl Schurz, she moved to the United States so she can start the first kindergarten also preschools for the students under age five. Preschools were not started on the United States until around the 1920s. Preschools pretty much stay the same for 40 years with the largest

  • Kindergarten Importance

    791 Words  | 2 Pages

    all of us went to the kindergarten. It was wonderful time. I think that kindergartens help us to communicate with other children, make us more friendly, amicable and kindly. Also they can develop our speech. Kindergarten is like a big part of our life, as a school and university. My research question is- "What is the importance of kindergarten". I chose this question because I want to prove to some parents who don't want to give their children here that kindergarten is useful for their

  • Kindergarten Essay

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    Attending kindergarten means having more structure in a child’s young life, and they are ready for it after going to preschool. They have learned to socialize, follow simple rules, and stay on a task longer and longer. They are now ready for more intense learning; this is an opportune time for a teacher to harness the mind and still keep the fun and adventure of a kindergartener’s mind going. Young children learn best with hand on discovery and investigation. They love to experience the world physically

  • The Importance Of Kindergarten Readiness

    1144 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kindergarten is an important milestone for young children. When children enter kindergarten, there are a variety of children that are from different backgrounds homes and preschools that need a wide range of support in kindergarten readiness. In either scenario parents would like their children ready for kindergarten. Kindergarten Readiness are specific skills and requirements for children who will be entering kindergarten. According to (Graue 1993), kindergarten readiness is a complex idea linked

  • The Importance Of Junior Kindergarten

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    that I wasn’t as familiar with and that would be Junior Kindergarten. I come from a small town in central South Dakota. Where I went to school, there was only Kindergarten thru 12th grade, until the year after I graduated, when a preschool program was started at the school. It wasn’t until I had come to college and started the Early Childhood Education program at South Dakota State University, that I had first heard the term “junior kindergarten.” Over the past semester in my PS1 classes, I have heard

  • Effective Transition To Kindergarten

    953 Words  | 2 Pages

    interviewees highlighted the following key components that have helped facilitate successful transitions from Head Start to kindergarten” This aspect of the article is significant as it clearly explains the steps necessary to create an alignment between preschool and kindergarten. First, the preschool should implement kindergarten classroom visits and integrate kindergarten policies into their classroom in an effort to prepare the children for what is expected of them. Next,

  • Kindergarten Readiness Case Study

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    during the kindergarten readiness process must be addressed for a smoother transition for young students. The necessity of addressing (1) teacher involvement in readiness transition and (2) effective communication interactions with the parent will be identified as a means in which to bring better results for student transition into kindergarten. One study defines the important role of early parent and teacher interaction as a means in which to resolve these anxieties for kindergarten readiness: “Early

  • Cost Of Pre-Kindergarten Essay

    1679 Words  | 4 Pages

    Pre-kindergarten also known, as pre-k is a program designed for children who range from ages 3 and 4 years old. They are programs put in place to get young children ready for kindergarten and successful enough to pass on to the third grade. Private pre-kindergarten programs can cost anywhere from 3,000-18,000 for full-time center based care. Pre-kindergarten can help children’s development in many ways: school readiness, academic achievement, social/emotional development, and social progress (Jyoti

  • Phonological Awareness Skills in Kindergarten

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    substituting sounds, and recognizing onset and rhime allows a student to be able to translate all the symbols we call an alphabet into sounds to create words. Phonological awareness is also a major component of any successful reading program. In the kindergarten classroom students come to me in the fall and are struggling with phonological awareness skills. Many of these children do not possess the basic phonetic skills such as rhyming. The purpose of the needs assessment is to determine if these skills

  • Kindergarten - Full Day or Half-Day?

    1430 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kindergarten - Full Day or Half-Day? On August 30, 2000, the Maryland State Board of Education made a request for mandatory full-day kindergarten to be added into their budget for the fiscal year of 2002. The Board’s goal is to have full-day kindergarten programs implemented in all state public schools by the 2004-2005 school year (Maryland State Board of Education [MSDE], 2000). Making this change from half-day kindergarten to full-day kindergarten, they hope full-day kindergarten will help children

  • Persuasive Essay On Full Day Kindergarten

    1561 Words  | 4 Pages

    of facts, as much learning time is needed. Full day kindergarten has children starting to learn earlier and for a longer period of time. A growing trend around the world, full day kindergarten is becoming more common within the school system. The question is, should Alberta implement full day kindergarten and what benefits and challenges does it have? Kindergarten in Alberta is not mandatory, but almost 95% of Albertan children attend kindergarten classes. In 2003 Alberta’s Commission on learning recommended

  • Exploring Froebel's Kindergarten Education Theory

    2458 Words  | 5 Pages

    3. Theoretical Framework 3.1 Froebel’s kindergarten education theory 3.1.1 Obeying the nature A famous Swiss educator, Rousseau was considered to raise the Copernican Revolution after he came up with a theory “children-centered”. In his famous book Emile, he severely criticized rigid and inflexible traditional education which seriously distorted and suppressed the natural world of children. He called for “regard children as children” and asked people to teach children according to children’s physical

  • Early Childhood Education: Kindergarten Reflection

    1540 Words  | 4 Pages

    Kindergarten Reflection Entering my kindergarten teaching experience in the last quarter of school year I had to quickly become familiar with kindergarten content standards and the school’s curriculum. To do this I observed my mentor teachers instructional time with the children and gained as much information as I could about the children’s educational standing by developing a professional relationship with the my mentor teacher and the children. I learned that the majority of my kindergarten children

  • Full-Day vs. Half-Day Kindergarten

    2227 Words  | 5 Pages

    Full-Day vs. Half-Day Kindergarten Which is more effective? Abstract: This paper gives a brief history of kindergarten; where and why it was created. It describes both full-day and half-day programs, examines the advantages, and disadvantages of full-day and half-day kindergarten, and comes to a conclusion as to which program is more effective in educating the young. Kindergarten plays an important role in the growth, and development of a child. It is here that children begin the foundation

  • Prime Time for Education

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    on whether to fund full day kindergarten. In my research on the subject and the experience I have had with my own children full day kindergarten is all around a wonderful idea. There are benefits for children, parents and teachers. Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” First let us discuss the benefits for children. Students have the potential to experience their greatest academic growth in kindergarten. In full day kindergarten research shows greater progress

  • Preschool Should Be Mandatory Essay

    1217 Words  | 3 Pages

    As school becomes increasingly demanding, many people believe that preschool should be mandatory for all children. In order for students to be ready for first grade after kindergarten, there is a laundry list of standards they must meet. Children must be able to write letters, learn to rhyme, use words to convey feelings and thoughts, recognize sight words, add and subtract numbers one through ten, divide objects into even numbered groups, and much more (Morin). While all of these things may seem

  • Friedrich Froebel's Influence on Education

    2608 Words  | 6 Pages

    influenced Friedrich Frobel we must first look at what education was like before him, his life and his childhood. After we find out about the man who created Kindergarten we must review his philosophy, and what tools he used to back it up. Then we will we will take a deeper look into who supported him. Finally we will examine how the life of Kindergarten education has evolved since. Education before Frobel While there have many great philosophers of our time the one that influenced Friedrich Froebel include;

  • Shirley Jackson's Short Story 'Charles'

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    train, those two characteristics changed when Laurie started kindergarten. The short story of “Charles” was written by Shirley Jackson. The misbehavior of Laurie was influenced by his lack of attention from his parents due to the presence of another child. Laurie just happens to be the older sibling of the older brother of an infant sister, with no other known siblings. Throughout the story of “Charles”, Laurie is attending kindergarten. Laurie travels between school as well as home in this story

  • Froebel

    623 Words  | 2 Pages

    Friedrich Froebel was the first person to create his own school and call it kindergarten. Kindergarten is a German word and it means “children’s garden”. He had made his kindergarten in 1837. Friedrich Froebel was born on April 21, 1782 and died on June 21, 1852. While he was a small child, he used to play outside alone in the garden that was at his house. This would explain his love for nature. His father was a pastor and his mother died when he was only 9 months old. He was the youngest of six