Reflective Essay About Intelligence

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To most people, intelligence comes in the form of IQ points. When people do well in school, they are automatically considered intelligent. Those who decide not to pursue extra education are often thought to be less than those who do go further. In reality, intelligence comes in a variety of forms, eight to be exact. Humans have a mixture of these intelligences, whether they are natural or are learned. Often, a more prominent intelligence emerges and is supported by the other minor ones. Personally, I find myself to be predominantly logical/mathematical, followed by linguistic, musical and finally interpersonal. Logical/mathematical intelligence is based on interpreting patterns and being able to think logically about problems as well as everyday …show more content…

Whereas my logic was quite inate, over the years I have learned my musical, interpersonal, and linguistic skills. Music was something that didn’t come to me as easily as some natural-born virtuosos. However, I had an extreme passion for it, so I worked hard to be able to hear the wrong notes or fix myself if I was out of tune. Another one of my learned intelligences was interpersonal. As I was growing up, I was an extremely quiet child. In those quiet years, I watched people and saw the differences in their moods, situations, and even in their background. When I began to be more talkative, I was able to tailor my speech and my actions to them. If they were sad, I could cheer them up in a way that was personal to them. My brother, who is autistic, is a driving force for my interpersonal skills because in order to help him as best I can, I must understand him. My linguistic intelligence definitely grew as my interpersonal intelligence did. Even though I understood people, I have to figure out a way to articulate my intentions and ideas. Linguistic intelligence for me is also found within foreign language. After struggling many months with French in my freshman year, I started to get better at retaining the new information. Now, in my junior year, I absorb the new grammar and vocabulary like a sponge. These three intelligences were those that I have gained through my life so

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