Reflective Account On Effective Communication

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Introduction: I am working in a children’s ward at my local hospital as an EN, I need to discuss about effective communication with my 5 year old patient, every 5 year old is different; some have progressed in development more than others and some are behind in growth and development, my patient could have autism, asperger’s syndrome, down syndrome, he could be hearing or visually impaired, or come from a rough family background and might not have parents, all of these factors can greatly reduce effective communication with a child.
Body: My patient is going for a procedure that I need to gain consent for and explain to, there is a wide range of techniques i could use as a nurse, for example I could use a doll and use pin points to ask the …show more content…

If your patient shows signs of aggression or very difficult behaviours to handle, find out what their trigger is and stop it, talk to parents/guardian and work out what works best to calm the child and what things to avoid to stop the child from acting out, the child may be scared to be in a different place, just communicate to them in a positive calm way that things will be okay and explain you are here to make them feel better and to keep them safe. If the child …show more content…

Always involve the child in their own care and speak directly to them allowing them to feel like they have a place in their medical decisions, it is good to encourage laughter and make the child feel good by making jokes and sometimes being silly with them, talking about their favourite things or items or asking them questions and talking about school or siblings can help build a comfortable patient/nurse relationship. It can be a good idea to let the child teach you something, learn off them how to use the latest technology on their handheld game if they have one, or if they are interested in building blocks or bracelets let them show you how to do it, talk about their favourite sports teams or food and try to share a same interest in these

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