Reflection Precis 3: The Invisibility Of Racism

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Reflection Precis 3, The Invisibility of Racism (February 27-March 1, 2018) 108788
Part I: In these two lecture sessions, Dr. Jendian talked about the invisibility of racism in the United States and how we have not been trained to recognize racism. To give an example of this, Dr. Jendian showed us a few minutes of the movie Dumbo. Although this movie seems to be innocent, it shows racism against black people. For example, the people who are putting the tents are black people and they do not have a face. The song that the “workers” are singing, only has racist phrases such as “harry apes.” On the other hand, textbooks also hide facts about the United States history. According to Loewen, authors write how slavery affected …show more content…

For example, Loewen mentions that nine of eighteen books do list racism, racial discrimination, or race prejudice in their indexes. However, Dr. Jendian explained that in several books these concepts never appear in their text. This means we have molded our concepts about African Americans to rationalize our actions. Inclusively, Dr. Cornel West explains in his interview that white people have lived in a bubble because they lack exposure and experience, so racism and discrimination do not affect them. Yet, for the first time, according to Dr. Cornel West, “[White Americans felt] unsafe, unprotected, subject to random violence, hated,” when the tragic of 911 occurred. Loewen (143) argues that, “To function adequately in civic life in our troubled times, students must learn what causes racism.” Yet, this is not happening. Instead, Loewen argues, we have inherited the notion from slavery that it is natural for white people to be on top and blacks at the bottom. Loewen also explained that White students can infer that all societies are racist; therefore, being racist is …show more content…

Perhaps, less hate and discrimination would not be a big problem among people. However, instead of trying to fix this problem, we continue dispersing discrimination, prejudices, and racism. For example, through propaganda, movies, and songs. While watching the Dumbo movie in class, I was very surprised to see how this movie has a racist message. As a little girl, this movie was one of my favorite movies, but I was not able to recognize these racist messages. Perhaps because I always saw this movie in Spanish and because as Dr. Jendian and Loewen explained, we have not been trained to recognize racism. The interview with Dr. Cornel West has also made me think about how white Americans felt insecure, and hated when the fatality of 911 occurred. Yet, I believe white Americans don’t realize this has been the reality for many people. In my case, ever since I came to this country, I have always felt scared not knowing if I’m going to see my mom or other relatives the next day because ICE might deport them. I cannot explain how it is to live in the shadows. It hurts my heart knowing that this is the reality for many people who are only trying to survive in this world. It hurts me to know that we cannot walk freely even to go the store to buy our groceries or just a simple walk through the

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